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a soft murmur of a sweet nothing escaped the sleepy boy's lips as he finally came to.

the sixteen year old's cerulean blue eyes slowly opened, his long lashes batting drowsily as a soft yawn escaped his lips, which he proceeded to smack in dissatisfaction from rising from such a good sleep- something that shiloh had not accessed in such a long time. the volleyball player yawned quietly, pulling the large, heavy blanket over his head with a small exhale before his eyes practically shot open.

a highly audible thump could be heard as the brunette was unintentionally launched to the floor by his own clumsiness, landing with a bang on the floor as a result of quickly trying to escape the bed he had figured out was not his. in fact, the surroundings were completely foreign to the sleepy boy who rubbed his sore butt as he looked around, finally realizing who's room he was in before the bathroom door swung open.

"s-shiloh? are you okay?"

the sixteen year old's face immediately tinted a deep red as he shot up from the floor, pulling the ends of his large t-shirt down in order to cover his bare legs. still, the blush did not go away. it wasn't even merely caused by being partially exposed- no, instead it was caused by the shy senior who stood in the corner of the room, a concerned expression upon his features.

his messy, split-dyed hair was wet, lightly pushed away and revealing the gorgeous face he often hid for a reason shiloh couldn't understand. who would want to hide those slanted, pitch black orbs and long lashes? his full, plump lips were lightly opened in a shocked manner, just like his slitted brows were creased with confusion. even more impressive then his sharp jawbone and model-like features was his body, almost exposed by the towel that hung low off of his hips.

shiloh just for the moment let himself suck up the sight; he was lean but he was big- so big, and shiloh had no choice to realize it when he spotted how kaidon's head was nearly too tall for the doorframe, only a bit below it. it kind of startled the blushing junior who's wide, blue eyes couldn't help but to fall over his perfect torso sculpted with abs that lightly dripped with beads of water. he possessed a six- maybe even eight pack and large, muscular arms. the brunette's heart began to race as he spotted the tattoo along kaidon's deep v-line- a small rose branch- so deep that just kept leading down and down..

"uh-uh- nahulog ako." the popular boy stammered, not even aware of his language shift.. only the embarrassment that came from seeing the body kaidon usually hid with baggy clothing. however, the younger's eyes weren't the only eyes wandering- just the only obvious ones.

how could kaidon not relish the sight before him? the sixteen year old looked absolutely adorable in kaidon's t-shirt that easily reached his knees, signaling their very obvious height difference as kaidon had to nearly crane his neck to look down at the smaller, who to the older was somewhat petite. for an volleyball player, and the captain he had a very thin, short stature that shiloh made look graceful. the brunette's hair was a complete mess, sticking up chaotically and giving away the fact that shiloh was a messy sleeper. still, what kaidon was most focused on was that bright, red blush on the beautiful boy's face, who nibbled his lower lip in anticipation.

had he caused that..?

"sorry?" kaidon mumbled frantically, trying to stop his face from heating up as the younger shot him a somewhat desperate smile.
"i fell out of the bed." shiloh said carefully, as if he was trying to put the words together while he avoided his gaze; he feared that if he looked at kaidon anymore, he wouldn't even care he was in a current relationship, and no matter how bad it was shiloh was still loyal.
"oh. are you okay?" kaidon acquired softly, lightly running his long fingers through his silky, wet hair that smelled lightly of fragrant oils.
"yeah. just a little embarrassed," shiloh laughed. "i'm stupid, sorry. also, how'd i get his on? i don't remember."

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