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the chaos outside did not diminish, and the valentino's didn't seem to be bothered by it in the slightest.

in fact, they were oddly calm as they all sat around the breakfast table, and as one could imagine it, shiloh, who quickly rejoined them after finding some pants was the center of attention. so much so that every single eye- every sharp, piercing gaze was directed at the obviously flustered brunette who quickly sat down in the empty seat next to kaidon.

"uhm, sorry about that." shiloh apologized for his punctuality in a quiet but audible murmur, making sure that his posture was the straightest imaginable. both his mother and father were a little bit too perfect to look at, lest he be intimidated by their flawless appearances, so he just kept his eyes mostly down.
"that's quite alright," cristina crooned, sending goosebumps down shiloh's back with the richness of the woman's voice that was intimidating enough, even more so than the eye contact they held which shiloh immediately thought originated from how inexpensive he looked compared to them. hell, even the baby had on gold earrings. "i believe that we have some talking to do? i was hoping to meet you somewhere other than my son's bed for the first time."

"oh my god," shiloh squeaked, absolutely crumbling in horror. "i'm so-"

"where'd you want me to put him?" kaidon tutted. "the damn pool? maids quarters? or hell, the roof?"
"shh," shiloh hushed frantically, still obviously mad at the older who had no trouble not warning shiloh before he entered the room with his mother earlier, waking him up and incidentally showcasing him as a confused, tired mess without any pants and dried drool on the side of his face. "be quiet."
"i said i was sorry." kaidon insisted in a somewhat whiny mumble to which shiloh's brow only twitched to out of deep annoyance as he slowly turned back to his mother with a polite smile. the whole altercation couldn't help but to bring a smile on kaidon's dads face, who quietly chuckled at his spoiled son's expression after getting scolded.

"like i was saying, sorry about that." shiloh murmured, causing kaidon's mom to smile briefly over at him before she let out a small laugh.
"it's only a joke lindo," the playful woman assured with a sparkling twinkle in her eye as she looked over at her youngest son, shiloh watching as she carefully picked up her baby who had began to whine. "está bien mateo, mamá está aquí... shiloh. it's very nice to finally meet you, i mean, i've been hearing so much about you for months, an unhealthy amount almo-"

"k." kaidon interrupted, staring over at his mother, his disposition radiating with absolute moodiness that just made his childish mother laugh at him as he vividly avoided shiloh's stare like the goddamn plague- he did not need to know kaidon had been stalking him for a much longer time than presented. "anyways, guys, we need to talk."

before kaidon could even finish his statement, there was a rapid, hard knocking on the door that startled almost everybody at the table except for the broody seventeen year old, who's dark eyes narrowed in annoyance at another interruption.

however, this time it was little bit more important.

"police. open up!"

shiloh's heart dropped as he watched kaidon and cristina's eyes meet, both exchanging a knowing look.

"i thought you said you wore gloves." cristina hissed quietly over to the boy who immediately got frustrated, beginning to shrug.
"well sorry if i don't have a pair of gloves on me at all times," kaidon retorted back in sarcasm. "i even cleaned up afterward, don't be mad at me."

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