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the silent teen sat at the dinner table, absent of words as per usual.

this time though, it did not feel forced or anything as he sat with his mother and father like he did every night. granted, the valentino family was a strange one, especially the eldest son but they were close knit- devout, and loyal to one another in their love.

most devout in that practice was cristina valentino, who watched closely as her son picked at his food. though kaidon was generally quiet, some conversation could be coaxed out of him occasionally by his mother who loved to spoil the overgrown boy.

"lindo, te gusta tu comida?" the beautiful woman, who didn't look a day over 28 questioned. both her and her husband's appearance were extremely different than her son's; diamond earrings on both parents, gold watches and bracelets, expensive tailored dresses and suits made specifically for their body whereas kaidon only wore a hoodie that was nearly two times too large for his body, the golden bracelet his grandmother had gifted him with, and small diamond earrings his mother had to hound him to put on verses the ones that turned his ear green afterwards.

it was extremely evident where kaidon got his good genes from. cristina's extremely extensive lashes crowned her small but bright hazel eyes. her skin was definitely darker than kaidon's pale complexion, but it was safe to say she was the color of light caramel. her long, black hair nearly reached down to her butt, causing her to groan in annoyance as she sweeped it behind her shoulders in attempt to focus. it was one of many things her and her son shared as kaidon's hair almost constantly needed trimming, proven by the fact that he used to wear it down to his shoulder when he was a child.

however, kaidon's most obvious traits could be identified within his father- martin. they shared the same, upturned button nose and naturally intimidating, pitch black eyes. the origin of his size could also be found within the finely aged man, though kaidon was obviously larger.

"yea." kaidon murmured, eyeing his little brother who continued to gurgle loudly as he played with his food. "i'm not really hungry right now."
"oh?" his father asked, raising a brow as he glanced over at his son. "usually you put away two or three plates. what's up?"

the seventeen year old debated on whether or not he should speak, glancing down at his little brother who was basically a smaller copy of kaidon- if he was a baby with hazel eyes- patting his head lightly and receiving a wide smile from his baby brother.

"mamá, can you get access to the school records for me? i need to do some research."
"of course hijo," cristina offered immediately before a large smile graced her lined, wine-colored lips. "could it be.. you're interested in some boy?"

his mother knew best, and it was apparent on kaidon's expression, which went dismal immediately after being asked the question- feeding into his mother's inquiry and giving himself away. the giant rose quickly from the table before his mother could immediately bombard him with questions about it, muttering something about homework before departing from the huge dining room and escaping up the grand staircase to the upper level.

"isn't it a bit peculiar to ask for his school record instead of the poor boy's number?" martin questioned with a snort after his son had departed, cristina glancing up at him as she held her youngest son in her arms, beginning to rock him.

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