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"here, honey. this should make your lip feel better."

shiloh smiled gratefully at the speaking nurse who lightly held a cold ice pack to his healing lip, allowing the younger boy to grab it as he held it against himself. treating bruises was not a new activity to shiloh, perhaps explaining his somewhat numb disposition as he sat on the cot in the small nurses' office near the door awaiting his release. even after the bottles of water that the athlete had downed, he could not sweep himself into a better state with the exhaustion of the situation dawning on him, so he decided that afterwards he'd go home.

"oh my gosh, shiloh." kylie whispered, scooting to her friend's side who raised a brow in curiosity.
"so you know that weird looking dude? the really tall one, who started going insane towards the end of the period on that one dude?"
"oh," shiloh remarked quietly, nibbling on his lower lip before nodding apprehensively. "what about him?"

"apparently when mr. randy tried to pull him off, he went even more berserk and punched him.. and now that dude is in the office."
"what?" shiloh gasped, his cerulean orbs widening in shock as he received the news.

the seemingly sweet, clumsy giant had hit a teacher.. and if shiloh was not mistaken- no, there was no way he could be..

it was caused by shiloh's accident? there was quite a landfall of events following the launched attack on the sixteen year old, but the nameless giant had no other motive, no cause to attack so randomly unless he was unhinged as he looked. shiloh was not one to judge off looks, or judge at all, but the boy did have a aural darkness radiating off of him that was conveyed in his physical appearance as well. his eyes were almost always hidden, except for when shiloh had caught rare glimsp of them in the parking lot.

the popular boy's heart began to hammer accordingly in his chest as he had no choice but to align the pieces of the random events of fourth period. shiloh had almost never seen the boy around the school, and in fact had only taken excessive notice of him within the past two days.

it could be that in a twisted, nonverbal way this was the giant's way of thanking him for scolding ryan. still.. that was no reason to risk getitng expelled, all to please one person when it wasn't even due.

shiloh hastefully rose from the poorly cushioned cot, holding the ice to his face as he swiftly fled the nurses' office without a word. the blonde, whom he had left behind didn't even notice her injured 'friend's disappearance, continuing to let out oblvious drifts of laughter from whatever she was glancing at on her phone.

meanwhile, shiloh, who still hadn't changed out of his gym uniform found himself storming through the crowded hallways in a point of determination. he had to confront the boy sooner or later, because even if he was trying to please him he endangered his ownself.

still.. it felt nice to be defended in such a brutally risky way.

what the hell are you thinking, shiloh thought, shaking his head lightly as he continued to press the ice to his lips. the chatter of the hallways and hello's from faces who recognized him- not vice versa- consumed shiloh as the somewhat dazed boy made his way down to the very end of the long strip of hallway, right by the entrance. the sixteen year old peered into the window, about to knock when instead, the door swung open.

shiloh thanked his volleyball reflexes for the quick slide he took back from the door, cowering lightly before he straightened up with a bit of embarrassment that he had been caught off guard. however, the person in front of him looked even more embarrassed.

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