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the call had no affect on the brunette who continued to zone out aimlessly, his crystal blue eyes directed all the way across the room where his mindless daydreaming exposed him.

it had been like that for the entirety of the whole class, and for some reason that day shiloh looked particularly.. beautiful, as alway, because even on his bad days he put others to absolute shame, but this time it was different; it was almost as if he had put an extended effort into it for some reason. his clear skin shined with a glowing radiance enhanced by the light makeup he had perfected- he didn't need much after all. his large, blank azure eyes were decorated by his usual pair of lashes, though this time his lower lashes were extremely long, just as black and noticeable as his upper ones. his pretty lips were a glossy shade of nude pink, slightly open as he zoned out, playing with the heart shaped nose stud he wore- a new edition that he had immediately gotten pierced last night because if he didn't do something drastic he feared he'd do something insane. the seventeen year old wore a basic, white minidress that was somewhat loose yet complementing to his figure. that day he had tried something different, and his brown and blonde hair were set in perfect curls.

a dress, at school?
a nose piercing?

it was almost as if he was trying to get someone's attention, and perhaps that person was the boy who shiloh stared so intently at- shameless almost as his eyes were clouded with the spirit of troubled, pitiful conflicting. a war of longing, and at the same time despise. on one hand, he still possessed longing that after the statements he had said l to the redhead, should not have been there; a longing that considering every moral shiloh stood for and tried to uphold, should not have been there; a longing that shiloh was ashamed to have and at the same time a despise. one of pure anger placed on the seventeen year old, because even after all this time he had the nerve to be silent.

conflict; should he expect kaidon to speak, even though he had banished him from communicating with him? and most of all, why did he feel that he was missing something- something that only kaidon could give to him. was it closure? it couldn't possibly be, there was no closure in a situation where someone has been killed.


"wh-what?" the boy stuttered, snapping to attention quickly in an obviously mortified manner before he finally looked over at the boy in front of him who's expression was dilated with dissapointment at the fact that it was clear who shiloh was staring at. even though anyone could tell that the sixteen year old was reluctant to accept, the least he could do was pretend.

"i asked what color dress you're wearing tomorrow night?" the boy questioned in what seemed to be a hopeful mummer as he looked over at his more than distracted date, who's brightness shined as he offered him a sweet but misleading smile.

"oh, it's light blue." shiloh responded promptly, somewhat embarrassed due to the fact that he had obviously been caught staring, but he wasn't sure how not to.

it was as if he was a different person.
the kaidon he knew woke up and rolled out of bed, showered and put some clothes on. shiloh was the one that put in all the effort for school- not him.

now, it was different. you could clearly see his face under that chaotic, red hair that was extremely distracting; you could clearly see his dark, scheming eyes and extensively long lashes that anybody would envy. you could see how his large lips sat in a neutral expression with a natural pout that was awful kissable. you could see how with the way that his earrings sparkled, they weren't some cheap shit from target, and neither were the necklaces he wore around his neck that hung down on his black shirt.

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