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"great meeting everyone! thank you so much for attending. i think this is just what the student body needs."

there was a overall murmer of approval in the office used for the student government to meet in time to time, and of course with shiloh being the president he had decided that an impromptu winter dance would be perfect for the students. after all, all he had to do was rent out a small ballroom and with the school funds they were given, it would be pretty easy to organize anyways. many students were sons or daughters or a child of somebody who owned a restaurant, so somebody catering to the dance would not be a problem either.

in fact, planning the dance had made a true smile occupy shiloh's lips for the very first time.

after all, it had been a week since the first snow and he was still missing.
shiloh supposed that it was really over; he had transferred and that much was obvious. the sixteen year old just was a bit startled. with the friendship that they had- that shiloh thought they had- kaidon sure did waste aboslutely no time in abandoning in.

but in all fairness, shiloh had probably broken his heart. he truly did feel horrible, but he knew that the distance would be good. after all, having a murderer on the school campus most liklely endagered him and other students... even if it was his only friend.

shiloh exhaled as he shoved the last binder into his white messenger bag before grabbing the key out of his pocket, looking up at the girl who seemed to be waiting for him.

"ah, thanks carla."
"no problem. this school is really creepy at night." the girl with long, blue hair said with a chuckle, shiloh quickly agreeing with a nod.
"so creepy. if they would've let us meet sooner then eight, then i definitely would've taken it!" the athlete exclaimed as he followed the girl out of the room, locking the door behind him before he began to walk with her down the hallway. "you're in my physics class, aren't you?"
"yea, i am." the girl blushed with a smile.
"cool." shiloh beamed as they turned the corner of the dim hallway that was absolutely blanketed with darkness. "we should partner up for a project some time!"

"oh, s-sure." the girl stuttered, her face turning even deeper a red which showed the fact that it didn't matter what gender; anybody who came across the boy's large smile was doomed. "uh, see you later."
"byebye." the seventeen year old said, waving as they split ways.

shiloh clutched the strap of his white messenger bag, his slender fingers tightening around it as he walked down the dark hallway that barely had any light, casting large, eerie shadows onto the ground below. the quietness of the empty building wreaked havoc on shiloh's nerves, making his heart pound as he quietly ventured down the end of the hallway, desiring only to quickly get the hell out of there.

the boy froze, his whole entire nervous system pausing as he heard the tap of steps behind him.

the seventeen year old looked behind him, never ceasing his walk and in fact speeding up. so did the footsteps, with no one visible to be seen making them- as if an invisible man was following behind him. shiloh's clutched his stomach lightly that churned as a result of his hazardous nerves that made his stomach feel as if his heart was at the very bottom of his gut. no matter how quick the boy walked, all he heard were them.

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