Chapter 55

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Everything had been going pretty well since Chase had visited. The show was great and we usually had a pretty consistent crowd for every show.

I had also met with Liz and had gotten the schedule for the horror film. There was no word on Outer Banks on if we would get a second season or not. I'd assume we'd find out after the show aired. I had gotten a few clips that had been completed and I was extremely excited to see the whole show from start to end.

The cast in my show had also figured out how they had known Chase which then turned in figuring out who I actually was. The girls had become a bit nicer to me realizing that I had been in a Netflix show and I had assumed we're thinking that I could somehow help their career. I had no idea how I could though. Aliyah and I just laughed to ourselves any time they would ask questions about being on a tv show or invite me to their after show parties.

I actually had the weekend off as there were some last minute repairs being done to the roof of the theater as the snow had piled up and was starting to leak in. Aliyah and I had decided to have a girls night in the city and I was excited to finally have the time to go out and do something fun.

Before I went out I actually had a phone interview for a promotion for Outer Banks. I was super nervous but the questions were actually pretty easy.

"How was the audition process and finding out you got the role?" The interviewer asked.

"It was honestly somewhat easy I'd say," I responded, "Mainly just a bunch of video auditions to send over and I had flown out to LA for an in person audition as well then I got the call that I had gotten the role while still school. We didn't start filming until after I graduated but it was something super exciting to look forward to."

"How did you get into acting?" They asked.

"Well, it was definitely something I was always interested in. I was in the theater all growing and through high school. I majored in it as well. It's different across the board with theatre acting, tv show and so on," I answered, "With this being my first big break and how great of a cast and crew we have, it really solidified my love for acting and knowing that this is what I want to do."

"What about the show made you wanna sign on for it?" They asked.

"We only got the pilot episode and throughout film we only got a script at a time. So we really had no idea what was to happen next. I loved the combination of it being a mystery, coming of age sort of show that also went a lot deeper including romance and a lot of different genres," I explained, "I just got hooked in right away when first reading the script."

"Speaking of romance, it appears that you and Chase Stokes have an ongoing relationship. Would you say this show sparked that interest in each other?" They asked, "From what we can see of the promos, it looks like there might be a romance between you two."

"I'd say yes and no. Obviously, the show sparked the relationship as we would have never met if we hadn't gotten the roles but I think we are still our own people. The script itself didn't form this relationship where you're thinking of them as only their character, but it did make forming the characters relationship a lot easier when already in one," I replied.

"And lastly, what can we expect from the show?"

"I would just say that everyone should get ready for a wild ride from start to finish. There's a lot of cliff hangers and I'm hoping it's a show that everyone will binge. I know that's what I'll probably do," I laughed.

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