Epilogue 2: how rude

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Few hours later...

"what do you mean they broke up????" Siddharth asked avneet with wide eyes and she just shrugged.

"she said they are done, that they are breaking up. I think that is pretty self explanatory"

"but why????"

She sighed, "apparently they both are too egotistical. He says that she does not know how to compromise in a relationship and she says that he does not own up his mistakes"

"that's basically the same thing!!" Siddharth exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and avneet shrugged again.

"those two are total idiots. If you want a relationship to work, then you have to compromise, that's how it works" and as soon as she said that, something hit her.

Avneets pov:

If I see it that way, I don't do much for prince as well. I mean he is the one showing all the affection and love and he is the one giving me gifts and always spending a fortune on me and here I am, not even appreciating him enough.

"like they are so stupid-wait you're not listening, where are you lost" and he snapped his finger In front of my face which pulled me out of my thoughts.

"oh, nothing, just worried about faisu and jannat" I lied smoothly but he still looked a little in doubt. "so? What should we do about them?"

"we have to think of something" and I nodded. "but not todayyy. I'm very very very tired" and he flopped down the bed still in his suit.

"go take a shower and change your clothes, then sleep" I said with a chuckle and he whined.

"I don't wanna showerrrr, water is too wet"

I laughed, "at least change your clothes" and he pouted but got up.

"fineeee" and then went in his walk in closet. I also exited his room and went to my room to change my clothes. after I was done, I made way back to his room and when I was about to open his door, I heard him shouting, 

"princesssssss, where did you go?????? you left meeeeee. how could you????" 

I rolled my eyes as I opened the door and saw him wearing a tang top with shorts and was grumpily sitting on the bed with his arms crossed. 

"stop being a man child and scoot over" I said as I made way towards the bed but instead of scooting to his side, he laid down on the bed and spread his arms and legs like a star fish, not even giving me the space to sit. 

I rolled my eyes and he looked at me,

"why did you leave me?" he asked while pouting. Who would believe that this is the same prince of Greece whom everyone is dead scared of.

"I went to change!"

"why can't you move your stuff over here??" He whined and I shrugged.

"Its too much work and I am lazy. now move" I tried to pull his arm but he didn't even move an inch.

"no" he said, closed his eyes and pretended to sleep in the same position. I shook my head as I hit my hand on my forehead. Now I have to deal with this drama.

"you're annoying" I glared at him and he opened his eyes.

"I know" he replied with a sarcastic smile and the closed his eyes again. As there were no other options left, even if there were, I'd still choose this one over them, hehe. Okay, so as I was saying, as there were no other option left, I stood up on the bed and sat on his waist, basically was strangling his waist.

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