1.3 chapter three ✔️

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CHAPTER THREEWHEN YOU'RE MOONSTRUCK"you ain't nothing but a lost cause"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"you ain't nothing but a lost cause"

     After yesterdays. . . occurrences, Shivani had decided that she had to speak with Stiles. He had seen some stuff that was even harder to explain than what had happened in the janitors closet, and he didn't give her the impression that he was going to drop it any time soon. Gosh that spastic, nosy guy was getting on her nerves.

     Shivani figured the best way to corner the Stilisnki boy would be some time a school. She just needed to get him by himself, something that actually was very hard. Either he was with his best friend, Scott, or he was following Allison and Lydia around like a lost puppy. Rarely did he do anything without any of them, actually. It was kind of weird. Shivani didn't think too much of it, though. She figured he preffered to 'pack' up with his friends rather than rolling solo.

     Her focus was now on the huge wall infront of her. All the students in PE had to climb it. Mr. Bobby Finstock thought it was a nice activity for gym class. Not that Shivani had a fear of height or anything, but she was silently praying that something would happen so that she didn't have to climb the wall. It wasn't exactly ideal for her to risk somehow touching something wet while climbing and switching her legs for a tail several feet over ground. It would attract maybe a little too much attention than she'd like. That, and she didn't feel like being the science experience in the next class.

Speaking of which, her and Stiles didn't really get anywhere with the science project for Mr. Harris' class. You know, with her being all crazy coo-coo in the head because of the fullmoon. The worst part of being moonstruck was definitely the amnesia. You see, when you're moonstruck, you don't remember anything that happened while you were. There had been several incidents where Shivani had woken up the next morning in the woods or some other completely random place with no recollection of where she had been or what she had been doing.

     "Next up, Stilinski and. . . Caddel!" Coach yells out. Shivani groaned internally as she trudged reluctantly over to the wall. When both students were secured and ready to go, they both started climbing hastily.

     "Stiles, I think we need to talk about yesterday." Shivani said, halfway focused on her climbing.

     "Yeah, great idea. How about you start explaining how the hell you just froze that water. What are you a witch?" Stiles blurted. Shivani looked taken aback by his words. I've really done it now.

     "Not here." Shivani shushed. "Can you meet me by by car or something after school or whatever?"

     Stiles nodded hesitantly. He needed answers, especially after yesterday had confirmed his suspicions; she was supernatural. He just had to figure out what type of supernatural creature she was and how she could either help them or be defeated by them. A million different scenarios had gone through his head. Right now he was sticking with his "she's an evil ice witch come to destroy us all" theory.

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