1.11 chapter eleven ✔️

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CHAPTER ELEVENI TOLD YOU SO"i don't need a cure for me"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"i don't need a cure for me"

     Words Shivani Caddel definitely would not use to describe herself would be whitty, sarcastic and sassy. But lately that is absolutely the words that seemed to describe her the best. She had been in Beacon Hills only a few weeks and barely knew anyone there, yet a certain brown haired spastic boy was getting under her skin, revealing sides to herself that she didn't even know she had. The girl was closed off and a total loner, but whenever in the company of him, she could be considered as totally extroverted and talkative.

     Stiles Stilinski was possibly the most annoying boy she had ever encounter. He was constantly doing something, whether that was plotting how to save the town and defeat the big bad wolf ( Derek 'sour wolf ' Hale ) or the kanima, or if it was simply constantly bouncing his leg up and down while spitting sarcastically lazed words at his friends. Somehow his behavior had smitten over to Shivani. She found herself rolling her eyes and pursing her lips in attitude whenever someone said something stupid, and she took every opportunity to make a sarcastic remark. It was completely out of character.

     To be fair, the two had been spending some time together lately. It was strictly platonic, of course. Shivani could never date someone like Stiles, and vica versa. The two had decided to put their heads together and figure out a way to solve this whole kanima situation as the previous plan at the rave had failed oh so miserably. As Stiles had stated, if they didn't figure this out soon, they were all 'royally screwed'. And he was right. They had no idea when the master would be gaining full control of Jackson. Hopefully it was later rather than sooner.

     A big piece of the puzzle was figuring out who the one controlling Jackson was. Allison's mom had been crossed off the list as she had been too busy trying to kill Scott at the night of the rave to control Jackson. Stiles had been majorly disappointed when he had to ruin the perfect line of mountain ash in order to saving Scott. Not that he didn't want to save his best friend, he was just proud of himself for coming through with his part of the plan.

After the horrible shit show of a night they just had, Stiles and Shivani both had made their way home, separately of course. While he was pacing around in his room, Shivani was removing her make up, preparing for bed. Though the whole kanima thing kept plaguing her mind, Shivani wasn't about to lose any sleep over it. She got grumpy when she didn't get her fair share of sleep.

     When Shivani had arrived back home, she was exhausted. The last thing she thought she would be receiving was a lecture from her parents. Shockingly enough, both were at home, and very disappointed that Shivani had gone to a rave without even letting them know. To be fair, she usually never had to let them know when she went out as they rarely was home to figure she was gone. Shivani was used to the two lecturing her as a way to make up for their less than great parenting.

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