1.5 chapter five ✔️

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CHAPTER FIVEABOMINATION "tell me what i did let's work through it"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"tell me what i did let's work through it"

     It wasn't like Stiles Stilinski wasn't used to the feeling of being right. In fact, he was very used to it. Most of the time, when it came to Scott, he was right. Whenever they had an argument, he would come out on top. Maybe it was because Stiles was very clever, or maybe it was because Scott wasn't the brightest. Honestly, it was probably a little bit of both.

     But it wasn't just around Scott he was used to being right. He had the annoying tendency to steal his fathers cases when he got the chance. He would then proceed to actually solve them. Stiles was just used to being right, and it never really suprised him when he was.

     What did really suprise him, though? Stiles was freaking right about Shivani Caddel being a mermaid. He had known her, what, four days or something? And he called it. He freaking called it. God he couldn't wait to rub Scott's nose in this one.

     Both Stiles and Derek stared absolutely thunderstrucked at Shivani Caddel who had switched her legs out for a long, orangey looking tail. They were completely shocked. The mouth hanging open- wide eyed- life changing type of shocked. Werewolves were one thing. Yes, magically hair, fangs and claws that would grow and seconds later disappear. And yes, they did heal if you were to spontaneously stab one of them in the gut. But this? Derek had never seen anything like it and he could barely believe it.

     "I was right!" Stiles exclaimed, causing Derek to wince in pain.

     "Stiles! If you scream like that in my ear one more time."

     "Oh yeah right I'm sorry." Stiles apologized until he realized. "Actually, backtracking a little here. I'm the one keeping you alive."

     "What do you mean you were right?" Shivani questioned. This whole experience was both terrifying and oddly uncomfortable for her. This was the first time anyone had seen her in her mermaid form. It felt like someone had just walked in on her changing. She felt incredibly bare. The brunette was also feeling terrified of what Stiles and Derek would do. "You know what? I don't even care." Her only focus was making sure they both would keep her secret.

     "I'm going to take a wild guess that you're a better swimmer than me. Would you mind lending me a hand over here?" Without hesitation Shivani used her tail to propel her way over, willing to help. Just before she helped hoist the paralyzed Derek above water, she paused.

     "On one condition. You both shut your mouths about this." She bargained. "Or else I'll drown you both and make it look like an accident." She threatened. Stiles and Derek shared a look.

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