8: Spy Squad

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Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen chatted away to cheer up a peaky Jiang Wanyin whose illness only worsened when he heard about the death of Auntie Yue. They were thus engaged in discussion two days after Jiang Wanyin's waking up when the door was knocked on solemnly.

Wei Wuxian stood and walked to the door, to see who it was.

"SHIFU!" Wei Wuxian beamed.

Lan Qiren nodded, his lips almost turned up at the edges. "Wei Ying. Is Wangji in there?"

"Shufu," the Twin Jades walked to the door.

Lan Qiren hummed with a nod and walked in to sit at the table. Wei Wuxian sat opposite him, pouring out the tea. "Shifu came all the way here?" Lan Qiren had probably never come to Yunmeng in Wei Ying's two lifetimes.

"Mm. I came to see how things were getting by."

"Thank you for coming, Shifu," Jiang Cheng struggled to get up.

"Wanyin," Lan Xichen rushed to his side and held him by the waist, forcing him down on the bed to remain seated.

Wei Wuxian turned to see his uncle's reaction and was amused to see Lan Qiren pursing his lips and trying to focus on the teacup Wei Wuxian was passing to him. But, to Wei Ying's wonder, he didn't overreact and shout; he didn't even clear his throat. I guess he's getting used to it thanks to A-Zhan and me, he grinned.

Lan Wangji sat beside Wei Wuxian, nodding 'hello' to his uncle. He pared down the events of the entire past week into a minute-long briefing.

"Mn, good. This Second Young Master Liu, all he said was that the sceptre was under their Sect Leader's care?"

"Yes, Shufu."

"He isn't lying. That's how it has been for decades."

"Shifu knows this thing?" Wei Wuxian looked up from his teacup.

"Yes. I remember something from a book in the Forbidden Section. It's a staff that's been guarded secretly by the LongzhenLiu clan for a long time. Hardly ever used because the doom it summoned would destroy the rest of the world: there won't be anything left for them to rule over. Many have tried to arrest it, destroy it, steal it for their own dark purposes. But the sceptre has always been glued to the clan's Sect Leader. Don't know why," Lan Qiren explained.

"Shifu, it might be that the staff is a bit like my Seal. Albeit more attached. It probably attaches itself to the one who claims its possession, only allowing the line of LongzhenLiu Clan Leaders to hold it. Must be that it recognises the blood of the Lius."

"Makes sense," Lan Qiren nodded as he sipped the chamomile tea.

"Shifu, does this thing have a name?" Wei Wuxian asked.

Lan Qiren nodded. "Carmine Catastrophe."

"Woah!" Wei Wuxian blew a low whistle. "Sounds just right," Wei Wuxian commented and returned to drinking tea.


"Jiang Cheng?"

"Shifu, how are we to handle it when–" Jiang Cheng hissed slightly as the burn in his side sent off sparks of agony. A cold hand of polished jade sending in ripples of soothing spiritual energy reduced the pain quickly. "When we seize it? If it's only touchable by the Lius?"

"We'll deal with that later. First, we need to think of a way to get it. Xichen's plan sounds good. But what if the clan is unwilling to give their sceptre?"

Wei Wuxian tapped his nose. "Shifu's right. If these people are so heartless as to commit such crimes and possess such an item, then they shouldn't mind it costing one little life."

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