45: It Was Always The Emperor's Smile

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Wei Wuxian strolled around his home. The Jingshi was indeed the most peaceful place on earth.

The familiar blend of lotuses and sandalwood in its alluring fragrance.

The soft feel of the wooden floorboard that hid jars of Emperor's Smile — untouched for months.

The elegant furniture and the sweet memories of lovemaking on the four-poster bed.

The round window looking out into the archway and the garden.

The wonderful and bright magnolia, the bright gentians.

The back garden with his beloved ruby roses.

And the patch of grass. Still crimson from that one fateful day. Tragic memories flooded in as Wei Wuxian knelt on the grass and touched the grass, wet with night dew and dried blood.

His home sweet home. He would leave it for his sons. Maybe it could be Shuijing-Jun's and Sect Leader Jin's home after a possible marriage. I wonder if they ever will get together... Wei Wuxian sighed as he stood and walked out of the archway, Chenqing in his belt.


"WEI-XIONG!" Nie Huaisang screamed and stumbled up from the table to hug his friend.

"Wuxian-ge," Chen Xuanji hugged him, too.

"Nie-xiong, Xuanji-mei, how do you do?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Good, you?" Huaisang asked nonchalantly, ignoring the guilt in his best friend's voice.

"Great," Wei Wuxian nodded as he went to sit at the table. It was a large triangular table. Nie Huaisang and Chen Xuanji sat on one side, Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen on the other. All four of them wore thick, cotton coats to protect against the cold. Wei Wuxian sighed inwardly at his loneliness as he sat at the third side, tucking his thin robes under his legs. "A-Cheng, hello."


"Wanyin, say hello," Xichen glared at him.

"Hello," Jiang Cheng barked without looking at his brother.

"What now?" Wei Wuxian looked up at him, clearly hurt.

"What now? Excuse me? Did you forget you actually prevented me from coming to see you? I'm your brother! And yet... Mourning and grieving is all fine but why ignore me? I'm not done being mad at you since that one day when I came with lotus pods." 

Xichen smiled. "He plucked and picked them himself. All cleaned and washed for didi to eat."

"Oi! You shouldn't say that! My reputation's going down in flames," Jiang Cheng sulked.

Wei Wuxian chuckled and leant across the table to hug him. "I really am sorry."

Jiang Cheng's icy face melted. "Goodness, you're so cold!"

"Ah," Wei Wuxian shrugged as he returned to his seat.

"Didn't you wear a coat?" Xuanji asked, her palm already on his forehead.

"No, I didn't, but I'm fine. Someone... Right! Gege, did you come by? Someone wrapped me up in a coat..."

"Ah, how can I come? Even Wanyin can't pass your barrier!" Xichen shrugged.

"Then... Must be Sizhui," Wei Wuxian sighed. "You know, A-Cheng, it felt like Shijie."

Jiang Cheng, his eyes twinkling knowingly, smiled. "I guess."

"Wei-xiong, why did you bring Chenqing?" Nie Huaisang, grabbing a bottle of wine, pointed to his friend's belt.

Wei Wuxian patted his flute. "I'll be leaving after this. I can't leave Chenqing here since it's part of the Seal. Too dangerous to leave behind in this world. I'm taking it with me."

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