10: Madam Demon

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"Shifu! Shifu!" Wei Wuxian hopped and skipped into the Lan Elder's room, stopping at the table and sitting opposite his uncle. "Shifu!"

"Wei Ying, no shouting."

"Yes, Shifu," Wei Ying mumbled. "Shifu, we-were-right-we-were-right!"

"We were right?" Lan Qiren asked through his jasmine tea. Since Wei Ying had brought him those packets of jasmine tea, he now had a newfound love for its fragrance and light flavour. Jasmine tea was the one thing he'd drink in these depressing days.

"Yes, Shifu! Remember Shifu and I said the Lius won't mind sacrificing one little life for their stupid sceptre?"

Lan Qiren actually smirked. Yes, he and his favourite nephew, both being equally smarter than the Jades, had indeed predicted that. "So that's what they said?" He turned to Xichen.

Having recovered from the shock of seeing their ever-so strict uncle actually smiling so smugly, the Jades sat down by the table. "Yes, Shufu, they said we can keep their Second Young Master for as long as we like, the Carmine Catastrophe isn't something they're willing to trade."

"Hmph, they said we don't deserve it. As if it's the Jade Emperor's crown they were storing," Wei Wuxian sulked, decanting tea for them all.

Lan Qiren shook his head. "So that's how it is."

"Yes, Shufu. What now?"

"First tell me where Jiang Cheng is?"

"Wanyin went home to check on Meilien, Shufu. He'll be back by–"

"I'm here. Shifu," Jiang Cheng walked in and bowed to his teacher before sitting beside Wei Wuxian instead of his love, so as not to make Qiren mad.

"Good. Your daughter?"

"She's doing great, Shifu, safe in Lin Qiao's arms. Doctor Yunxi sees to her needs. Thank you," Jiang Cheng added as he accepted a cup of tea from Wei Wuxian.

Lan Qiren nodded. "And the detainee?"

"He's there. Shifu, I'd like your advice on that. Since the Liu clan doesn't want their fellow, what are we to do with him?"

"Punish him for the attack."

"Shufu, we should punish all the Liu clan for that," Xichen added.

"Yes, Xichen, true. We'll start with Liu Donghai because he was the obvious perpetrator. Rashly attacking the clan would lead to them relocating their precious ring and sceptre. Or even using it on us all. Not good. We'll head for Donghai first. Jiang Cheng will see to that?"

"Yes, Shifu."

Qiren nodded. "Punishment?"

Jiang Cheng clenched his fists. Realising the teacup was about to break, Wei Wuxian quickly covered his brother's hand with his own, bringing him back to his senses. He placed his cup on the table. "I would more than gladly execute him. But Shifu won't allow it?"

"Execute!" Qiren's eyes grew larger in shock.

"Two of my good young disciples lost their lives. My halls were burnt down, one was A-Jie's favourite hall for teaching me and A-Xian. And Auntie Yue..." A fist closed tightly, teeth gritted, eyes ablaze, he looked as scary as the angry version of his brother.

Wei Wuxian's expression was no different at the mention of Auntie Yue and Shijie's classroom. His hand and teeth were squeezed tight together just like Jiang Cheng's but his eyes were turning redder by the minute.

Oh no, the imprint's taking effect. Lan Qiren shook his head and grabbed a scroll on a shelf nearby and smacked Wei Wuxian's head like he used to do before.

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