17: Aren't We?

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"You're here!" Three children waiting eagerly at the gates ran to their fathers and hugged them tightly. Wei Wuxian chuckled and smooched their heads while Lan Zhan patted their backs. After a few minutes, the five walked into the Cloud Recesses compound together, Wei Wuxian holding Lan Zhan with one hand and Lan Sizhui with the other, and Lan Zhan's other hand holding Jin Ling's. Jingyi ran in front. Standing on the bridge at the centre of the compound, cupping his mouth, he shouted, "THEY ARE HERE!"

"Senior Wei!"


All the Lan children ran to the two seniors, led by Lan Hao and several of their non-Lan friends. Ouyang Zizhen was back in his own Ouyang Clan robes, Jin Xiyi and Jin Chan sprinting past him, Nie Xiyuan and Jiang Liwei racing each other to catch up with the rest. Wei Wuxian gawked and Lan Wangji goggled when they saw the children were running to them with flowers.

"Hey, what's all this for?"

"Senior Wei! Hanguang-Jun and you were gone for so long! We missed you!" The children screeched to a halt to surround them, shoving floral bouquets under their noses.

Lan Zhan barely smiled at the fragrances. The different sects' children had brought different flowers. All the Lans had brought blue gentians and white lilies, the Jins held white peonies and golden daffodils. Xiyuan had an array of violets, bluebells, chrysanthemums and sunflowers, while Zizhen flaunted his collection of red roses, tulips and lilacs, all the kind of thing Young Master Romantic should give. Jiang Liwei had a cluster of pink and white lotuses, purple water lilies, and blue lavender. What was the most touching, however, was the choice of gift the three sons had made.

The minute the others had surrounded the two, the trio had disappeared into the group before emerging with their own bouquets. All three held the same thing: a dozen lotus pods.

Not lotuses, just the stem and the pod.

Wei Wuxian laughed aloud. "You guys are all so sweet! But lotus pods?"

"Daddy loves them more than any flower!" Sizhui beamed.

"Also," Jin Ling winked, "we always see Father giving Daddy lotus pods instead of red roses, so yes!"

Wei Wuxian smacked their three heads with Chenqing. "Why you naughty children!"

"'Cause we're Daddy's!"

Wei Wuxian doubled up laughing and beckoned them all closer. Stretching his hands as far as they could go, he hugged those closest to him, while sending out a wave of energy to wrap the entire group up. Such that even those right at the back felt the hug. When they stepped back, Lan Zhan waved his hand to lift all the bouquets and gather them together in mid-air, before Wei Wuxian nodded and shot out a Golden Thread to tie it all together. One massive bouquet of flowers and lotus pods. Lan Zhan caught it in his hands. "Go to the Dining Hall for breakfast. We'll come."

"Yes, Hanguang-Jun!" The children chorused and ran to the Dining Hall.

When the children had disappeared, Wei Ying turned to his husband. "A-Zhan, the non-Lans will eat with us, too?"

"Mn. I'll give orders to make more food."

Wei Ying flung his arms around Lan Zhan's neck. "My sweet darling always knows what to do! Oh, and gege's not here, you're in charge, right?"


"Ah! Wait! That means... That means..." he pouted, lower lip trembling.

"What is it, A-Ying?"

"You'll be busy all day!" The pouting baby wailed.

"Only morning. Will come to the bunny-hill after lunch. Stay there."

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