18: Spelling It Out

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"SPEAK!" Slash! 

"Please don't!"

"Who sent you here? Where are you from? Who are you? Don't you know it's prohibited to barge into a sect's compound like that? Speak!"

With each question, a line of violet shot across the space to crash against the victim's barren chest. "You better speak soon!"

"I'll speak, I'll speak!"

Zidian retreated to its master. "Good. Now tell me."

"LongzhenLiu Clan."

Jiang Cheng smirked. "Hmph, figured as much. And you are?"

"Liu Changyue."

"Just what relationship have you got with Clan Leader Liu?"

"Cousin of the Clan Leader."

"Nice. And now tell me," Zidian flashed out again, snaking across the dungeon to point to Liu Changyue's neck like an arrow, ready to cut through. "Just what guts did you have to dare step into Cloud Recesses just like that? Late at night, disguised, sneaking around? Motives?"

Liu Changyue glared at him, adamant.

Jiang Cheng glowered back. "ZIDIAN!"

Zidian shot towards the Liu's neck. All obstinacy faded in a flash. "To-get-the-sceptre!"

"Hm," Jiang Cheng stroked his ring, dismissing Zidian. "I don't know why I even bothered to ask, it's obvious. Xichen, this is wasting time."

Lan Xichen, standing in a corner, back against the wall, nodded. "Just to make them clear and document it all as evidence. Fine. Next question."

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and turned back to the man. "And how did you get in?"

"If little boys are capable of making talismans to break the useless Gusu wards, I don't see why I can't!"

"They aren't useless, you brat! It was the alarm that helped Xichen and the rest find your lackeys, so just shut the hell up!"

"Wanyin, don't argue with this man. Not worth it. Liu Changyue, I'm afraid you'll have to stay here a while. Until your clan comes to get you out."

"Xichen, you're the Sect Leader, what's the punishment?"

"Just bail. These aren't the real culprits, Wanyin. We'll tackle the masterminds later."

"Alright," Jiang Cheng nodded and let Xichen walk out before undoing the handcuffs on the man and stepping outside himself. "Shut the door."

The guard outside locked the iron door.

"Bring some food later, bread or something," Lan Xichen told the guard.

"Yes, Sect Leader Lan."

Strolling out of the dungeons, Jiang Cheng turned to Lan Huan. "Since when do my sect's people take your orders?"

"Since... I don't know, long time ago."

"I intended it to be a rhetoric! Tch, never mind. You should fix your warsd, you know. Try a sect-specific barrier. To protect against these filthy infiltrators."

"Will do," Xichen nodded. 

"What's your plan?"

Lan Xichen thought well before replying, "Meet with the clan. Make it clear that their sceptre is under official arrest and so they do not have rights to retrieving it."

"And the illegal break-in?"

"Bail. The proper way: if these men, once let out, recommit the same mistake, then their Clan Leader goes into jail."

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