°Chapter 2°

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After picking up Aimi(Y/n's sister) and ending up buying ice cream for the little pest. I finally received the rest I was waiting for.

Or so I thought

My dad came earlier than expected, well the thing is just that my dad can be a little aggressive when things don't go his way, but he mostly shows that at home

"Y/n, get down here!" I sighed and got up from my sister's bed where we were watching a movie.

"Yes? Dad", "Are you doing well in that class you go to, cause you shouldn't be failing there after you failed in your grades".

"I didn't fail, my marks dropped and you demanded I get sent to the E class so that you could 'teach me a lesson' since failure is not wanted in this family right?"

He sighed and shook his head "Look Y/n I just want the best for you" I felt my eyes begin to water ," I mean look at your other siblings-" here we go again. "They never disappointed me, they made me proud while you-....What more do I have to do?"

I flinched at his harsh tone and glared at the brown tiles below me "I'm sorry for disappointing you, I'll try to do better" I bit the inside of my cheek don't cry Y/n it's not like he hasn't said this before.

"I doubt that", "E-excuse me". I gritted my teeth as I walked to my room he's always been like this, he's never satisfied, after mom died he just.....Aimi is my step-sister, and I'm really glad we could at least receive a mother's love. At least her mum loves me and Aimi, but to my dad, I could never be something good in his eyes even though I've been trying for years now, but......but I'm just not good enough, I'm never good enough for anyon-

"Y/n do u still wanna watch the movie?" my four-year-old sister looked up at me "I- you...you can finish it without me okay" I said giving her the smallest smile I could muster.

"OK..... But will you still tuck me in? You will right?" she looked at me with her best puppy dog eyes that made me wonder how can someone be this annoying,cunning and most times be this cute.

"Sure OK just remind me"

After dinner and tucking in Ai. It was finally time to overthink and end up crying myself to sleep.

"I'm so not looking forward to tomorrow"

I'm really not a morning person so being woken up by Ai has become a daily thing. I freshened up and went to get Ai , "Hey Ai breakfast ready" I shouted from the kitchen.  Dad always left for work early and left a fresh set of dirty dishes by the kitchen counter. At least he's eating well even though he overworks himself at times.

I didn't even have to wait long as I heard little footsteps, when it comes to food Ai could probably compete with koro-sensei. After we ate, I took her to her nursery Wakaba Park Cram nursery. I got a text from Yuta Momobami my best friend, saying he was close by.

"Y/n," I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Morning Yuta, it's been a while right?",

"Yeah I almost missed ya" I smiled a bit. "How's the E class going?","Uhm good so far I've made friends"

"You know if it wasn't for your so-called 'friends' you wouldn't be there" Not this again.....remain calm Y/n.

"Don't talk about Karma and Nagisa like that" he let out a sigh, "I'm just saying, Nagisa has bad grades and Karma is the reason you-" I glared at him daring him to finish his sentence, "The reason why I'm in the E class is because of me and my perfectionist of a father. Just because Nagisa has some bad grades and Karma is violent doesn't mean they are bad people okay"

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