°Chapter 15°

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Koro-sensei's weakness(20)
He can only draw simple pictures

Koro-sensei's weakness(21)
Heat fatigue

I'm gonna feel lightheaded from how quickly and often my cheeks heat up around Karma, he's dangerous to my health. When Ai squished my cheeks while checking my nose like she does ever since i got hurt I was very much okay, my cheeks were their usual color but when Karma cupped my cheek this morning inspecting the small bandage at the bridge of my nose and asking me if I was okay. My cheeks betrayed me.

One day Karma, I'll make you so red your hair would feel jealous.

We currently walking down the mountain on the way to a pool, and I'll have you know I haven't tripped even once since we've been walking. It was currently really hot due to the heat wave, we were dressed in our swimwear.

"Hey Nagisa-kun, I hear you really knocked 'em dead the other day, I sure wish I could've seen that assassination of yours" Oh I told him that to try to distract myself.

I stumbled over a pebble but quickly caught myself. Hmm I really need better balance, I mean I can't just be fighting with someone one day then trip over my own feet. How embarrassing-

''All right, we're here" they wouldn't even feel intimidated anymore and I'd just look stupid.

I bumped into someone's back and rubbed my forehead mumbling an apology to Karma who just pulled me to his side. He pulls me a lot huh?

"Behold" Koro-sensei moved the bushes aside to reveal a pool. "A pool I made especially for the e-class". I could feel a small smile form on my face while I stared at the pool in awe.

How can we kill him when he does stuff like this.

I looked into the water to see if I could find some cool-looking rocks, I couldn't even attempt to swim since I couldn't breathe well after my nose incident, it's getting better but I think having water in my nose would make it worse.

Then I decided to try to push Kayano off her float when she didn't want to see a pretty rock I found.

"Kimura-kun, no running at the poolside, you could trip and hurt yourself" Koro-sensei shouted blowing his whistle.

"Oh s-sorry", "Hara-san, Nakamura-san, watch your breath holding. If you stay too long, how will we know you haven't drowned?."
"Okajima-kun I'm confiscating that camera!."
"Hazama-san don't just read all day. Swim."

"You know those people who act like royalty in their own domain", "Yeah...kinda puts a damper on all our gratitude"

"Nyrufufufufu, my elaborate plan makes most of the natural surroundings, from the scenery to the design. It must be enjoyed in an orderly fashion!"

Koro-sensei's weakness(22)
He's super strict about pool rules

"Aw don't be such a stick in the mud Koro-sensei! Have a splash" Kurahashi splashed water on his causing him to flinch and squeal.


"What was that's scream?"

Karma went up to Koro-sensei, shaking his lifeguard tower(apparently that's what it's called, I'm literally just finding out that thing had a name) causing Koro-sensei to shriek. Karma simply continued, laughing at how Koro-sensei panicked.

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