•Chapter 30•

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3rd persons pov
Y/n had been shocked at how Nagisa had taken down four people at once, she met up with the others after her shock had died down.

It was now one-on-one, Nagisa and Karma were the last of each other's group, with the whole class watching.

"Pretty gutsy of Nagisa to hide behind Karasuma like that"
"The referee is the one with the least presence in the player's eyes. Nagisa-kun zeroed in on that, blended in with the referee----and waited until the moment when he could score the most kills. He has the instincts of a natural-born killer!"

"And what about Karma-kun? If we compare them based on regular school grades, he's got Nagisa beat on all counts. But he must have realized by now: when they're facing off in this assassination classroom, Karma-kun's greatest foe is Nagisa-kun." Koro-sensei narrated.

Karma had left the red team's flag and went into the open "Nagisa-kun! Put down the gun and come on out! We'll settle it with these" Karma announced----while holding onto his knife----to Nagisa who was hiding, waiting to shoot him.

"Nagisa, you dummy! Shoot him! He's walking straight at you, wide open!"
"I don't think he'll shoot" y/n said to Sugino, after realizing that the red team won't be in agreement that the blue team won if Nagisa was to shoot him with no provocation.

Unsurprising to y/n Nagisa walked out of his hiding space, taking Karma's challenge. Karma sure plays dirty.

"They're going mano a mano?! No way!"
"Nagisa wants Karma-kun, more than anyone else, to understand his desire to save Koro-sensei." Kayano stated.

"Let's watch from closer in!" Okajima suggested as some of the class went to the ground to watch Karma and Nagisa.

"It's like.....I still don't want to kill him, but when you face a strong opponent with an equally strong determination of your own....it's incredible. I can still feel the sense of accomplishment from killing Rinka. Will I feel like this after we kill Koro-sensei, too?" Yada asked, confused about her decision to save Koro-sensei.

"Here comes the wavering options. Guess we change our tune once the camo stops working, eh?" Hazama said.

"Some of us showed strength we didn't expect, like you, Kayano, Mimura and Kanzaki. Some of us went ballistic like we thought they would, some got fired up to do better next time, and the irresponsible-lookin' type turned out to be crazy serious" Terasaka said, referring to Nakamura.

"The one who was always cheerful turned out to be fearsome and terrifying" He said, referring to y/n who was helping a ladybug move onto larger rock so she didn't get stepped on.

"The guy we thought was just a little runt turned out to be a genius assassin, and the guy we thought was a genius was secretly workin' hard all along" Nagisa was stretching his arms as Karma took out his super p.e uniform jacket and rolled up his sleeves

"Whichever of 'em wins is fine by me. With all these different skill sets...we just might be able to handle any challenge that comes our way"

Nagisa recalled how he and Karma became friends, and how he admired how Karma could do whatever he wanted until Karma had stopped talking to him altogether. That was sometime after they became friends with y/n.

Karma recalled how he didn't have to be on edge around Nagisa but there was just something about him that kept him on alert, how he was anxious about being around Nagisa but his anxiousness lessened after they started hanging out with y/n.

But there was something mysterious about Nagisa, something he wanted to drag out and crush, it was too much for him to handle so he ended up distancing himself from y/n and Nagisa for different reasons.

°Euphoria° ||Karma Akabane x reader||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें