•Chapter 28•

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Koro-sensei's weakness(32)

3rd persons pov
Koro-sensei reached for the next textbook, solving it at Mach-20 speed without the grenade going off.

"Okay. Opened, solved and closed! I more or less remember which questions are on which page in this particular series of workbooks. Math was the only challenge. I'd lent that one out to a student for so long that I'd forgotten." Koro-sensei explained as he started healing.

"So you just happened to have memorized the exact books I decided to bring?" That was too much of a coincidence to the principal.

"Heavens, no' I've memorized all of Japan's workbooks, 'No moving out of the blast radius until you've solved the problem'? A rule like that is no trouble for a passionate educator. Here I thought you understood me, but it seems your students' defeat has unnerved you." Koro-sensei quickly solved the rest of the question without detonating the bombs.

"You've dug your own grave with this simplistic assassination. One book left, it's your turn. How does it feel, having your own death staring you in the face? That grand kaleidoscope glimpsed in one's final moments.... what could be flashing through that perfect mind of yours?"

"Sensei!, Sensei!, Asano-sensei" Asano was currently thinking about the event that occurred years back, in the same e-class building, on that same mountain. The principal Asano taught a class of three.

Two monsters had taken up teaching in the same school: one to repent of his strength and one to repent of his weakness.

A brunette tried to attack Asano-sensei while his back was turned.

"Nice try Ikeda-kun, but you couldn't get me today either. A deal's a deal. Be a good boy and study." Asano-sensei had made a deal with one of his students saying he would give him one chance per day to land a hit on him whenever he wants to. If he succeeds, he could skip class for the whole day.

"Dang! You're a real beast, Asano-sensei!" Putting his bag down, Ikeda took a seat. "Hey, Asano-sensei, who'd you start a Cram school in this abandoned schoolhouse up in this mountain, anyway?"

"Didn't you graduate from a top school overseas with loads of qualifications?" A girl with pigtails said

"Feels like a waste of talent and money to me, and a waste of energy making it up here"

"Nothing is for naught in this world of our, Nagai-kun. This mountain path is perfect for training up your physical strength."

"And the money? This place is in the red, isn't it?"
"Don't worry, Mori-san. My stocks will make up the deficit. With my skill, they'll make money even with minimal attention."

Taking out his wallet, he showed them how full it was. "This month, I'm about five hundred thousand in the black."
"The perfect superhuman"

"You may be perfect, but you're crazy into teaching. Just how do you intend to educate us anyways" Ikeda asked
"By simply having you grow into good students. But the bar for 'good' is different for everyone."

"Ikeda-kun's high spirits are good. Mori-san's savvy is also good. And Nagai-kun's diligence is good too. But in order to make each of your good points even better, as your teacher, I need to know all of the good qualities out there. I'm only perfect because I have to be!" The orange head boasted to his students.

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