•Chapter 31•

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After the class had the brownie trifle that i finally had time to make,Koro-sensei was making us spend Christmas and new year in February at the same time.

"Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas" we were dressed in white and red clothes and attempted to kill Koro-sensei.

"Happy new year" we were dressed in kimono's and yukata's.

"Yes, a new year is upon us! Tackle your studies and your assassination alike with renewed enthusiasm! Now then....time to laze the day away" Koro-sensei was resting in a Kotatsu, watching TV.

Where was he going with this?

"So you're trying to take all the fun year-end events you missed out on and Cram them into February?" Fuwa said.

"Yes! That's right! Our one and only winter break together, and not a single one of you came to visit! And you were so earnestly worried and trying so hard on my behalf that it didn't seem right for me to.invite you over." Koro-sensei reached for a box of tissues to clean up his tears.

"It was dumb to fret about when we were all so bummed out."
"Well with all that behind you, now's the perfect time" Koro-sensei suddenly stood up, forgetting all about the fact that we didn't visit him.

"We'll take back the winter break we lost---all at once!" There were just 32 days left before graduation and Koro-sensei's deadline. But he is less likely to explode now

But will the government officials listen to us about how Koro-sensei wouldn't explode anymore when the day comes? Or are they more focused on assassinating him

"Future plans eh?"
"What high schools are guys going to?"
"Some place a little less competitive to give us breathing room"
"Koro-sensei taught us the fundamentals through senior year----high schools can be all about honing our techniques." Maehara, Fuwa, Okajima, Sugaya and Mimura walked down the street, passing the intersection.

Too indulged in their conversation to notice us."Must be nice. We're really pushing ourselves."
"If you're going into media, you need a solid academic report!' Or so I've been told" Mimura mimicked Koro-sensei.

"You sound nothing like him!" I could hear the group laugh as they walked down the street.

Looking away from them, I adjusted the gloves on my hand.

"Where are you headed, Karma?" Nagisa turned towards Karma.

"Ah. I'll stay at Kunigigaoka" I adjusted the gloves on my hand again, they were big cause they weren't mine, but they were doing the job of keeping my fingers warm, even if it was just a little.

"You mean you'll take the entrance exam all over again?"
"I figured you'd try for something better. I mean you could get into the best high schools around." Sugino and Kayano stated.

"Put yourself in the main-campus students' shoes. How'll they feel when the guy they thought they'd chased away is back---and standing head and shoulders above them? I can't wait to spend three whole years rubbing it in their small-time faces." Karma said , a smirk forming on his face

"You're as charming as always, I see"

"Besides, there are better schools in terms of average academic ability, but only Kunigigaoka has students who'd be fun to take on in one-on-one academic showdowns" Karma looked at me then at the clouds.

"I'll have no problem getting the job I'm after, so I figure I've got time to slow down and enjoy a battle."

"You've got your dream school too Nagisa?" I looked towards Nagisa as Karma helped me fix his gloves on my hand or at least make them tighter somehow.

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