•Chapter 24•

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3rd person pov
Most of the e class had woken up, taking in their surroundings and finding out their hands were cuffed.

Leaning against the wall, y/n looked towards where Bitch-sensei stood...immediately realizing that Bitch-sensei was in on the plan.

"I don't know how you're going to try killing Koro-sensei, but will it really all go according to plan?" Karma inquired trying to get something out of the reaper.

"No matter how poor my intel, I'll still get results. That's why I'm the world's best assassin." The reaper showed Bitch-sensei his phone.

"Karasuma?" The class seemed a bit relieved at the fact that their teacher was there.

"The octopus said if there was ever a wall his students couldn't get over.....then it would be his turn" Itona said leaning against the wall.

Above them, Koro-sensei was dressed in some sort of dog costume, tracking the scent of his students. This was probably to seem normal and to avoid prying eyes, even if it was nighttime

"This way.....this dog disguise gives me a natural way to track their scent!" Koro-sensei informed Karasuma-sensei.

"What's normal about an overgrown mutt?"

"So he's taken the student's as hostage." Karasuma-sensei stated holding his gun up.

"He means to lure me in and kill me." Koro-sensei took off the dog costume changing back to his usual clothes as they approached the door.

Down below the reaper was watching his phone.

"Oh shucks, that sure throws a wrench into my plans."

"Koro-sensei and Karasuma-sensei"
"He came all the way from Brazil?"

"Oh, well. Plan 16 it is." The reaper said
"My time to shine." Bitch-sensei said walking away with the reaper.

Koro-sensei and Karasuma-sensei had entered an empty room, inspecting it, before the door slammed shut and the room was lowering.

They had found Bitch-sensei with a gun to her head. "Not you too, Irina-sensei...."

"You're the one behind all. this?" Karasuma-sensei asked holding up his gun towards the reaper.

"Does the name 'the reaper' mean anything to you?"
"Lovro mention it once before."
"I let him live on purpose. If I want my competitors to leave the game, I need him to spread the word about me. Hey, how about lowering that gun? Or are you trying to shoot your friend?"

The reaper had obscured his presence not giving Karasuma-sensei a chance to shoot. The reaper hit Bitch-sensei in the head with his gun, she stumbled, falling to the ground.

"I've put explosives on her neck and the students'. They'll detonate on my signal." Karasuma-sensei went to help Bitch-sensei

"You think threatening hostages means I'll just roll over and die for you?"
"Why don't we find out?" Koro-sensei's tentacles had been shot and the ground opened below him.

Bitch-sensei had shot Koro-sensei while he was focused on the reaper. Koro-sensei tried to pull himself back up with his tentacles but they were shot by the reaper. Koro-sensei was being shot at repeatedly so he didn't have a chance to pull himself up.

Koro-sensei landed in the cage his students were in with a thud. The e-class gathered around their teacher.

"Are you okay?" The cage closed up locking the e-class with their teacher.

"Class.....is everyone unhurt?"
"I can't believe he captured you too." Koro-sensei placed a tentacle on the bars, watching it melt off.

"A cage made of anti-teacher material eh? It's tricky stuff, to be sure....but my body had finally overcome it!"

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