°Chapter 16°

353 7 0

3rd person pov
Finals at kunigigaoka were coming up soon. The students of class e were studying hard to get their grades up. Koro-sensei had come up with a way to help his students bring their grades up.

"Now then.....As Shiro-san said, when I lose a tentacle, I also lose speed. As you can see, even one tentacle makes a difference. I can't keep the quality of my images, and now there are a few child images mixed in." Koro-sensei shot one of his tentacles off

"Lose one more, and you get more child images with the parent images fretting about how to make ends meet" Y/n tilted her head with a frown forming on her face This has taken a heartbreaking turn.

Koro-sensei shot another tentacle"Lose yet another, and now the father image has vanished, leaving the mother image to raise the children on her own

Each tentacle lost reduces my movement capability by approximately ten percent.

Here's the deal: each student who receives a top score either overall or in an individual subject, will have the right to destroy one tentacle. This is the final exam for our assassination classroom, Can you get any closer to that ten billion yen prize? That my students up to you"

Koro-sensei really knows how to motivate us.

Studying wasn't hard to do for y/n and Ai knew to give her sister space whenever she was studying.

"One tentacle for each top score...."
"Yeah! We can do this!" Okuda said feeling excited

"Since when are you ever this fired up, Okuda-san'' Karma asked holding a pencil he stole from y/n out of her reach.

"Well, since science is one of my strong suits, I might be able to help everyone out!" Okuda said looking jovial.

"We have our share of high-scoring students here. Acing one subject isn't that far-fetched!" Kayano said encouraging everyone

Sugino's phone buzzed, staring down at it and seeing it was Shindou he picked up. Y/n glared at the redhead and gave up on her pencil as soon as she heard Shindou's words.

"So listen, Right now the entirety of the A class, our accelerated program, is in a conference room for an independent study session. Their leaders are the pride of kunigigaoka: a set of geniuses known as the big five."

Noticing how Karma had let his guard down after she 'gave up on her pencil' she snatched it from him, smiling in triumph, waving the pencil in front of him.

Y/n tuned out Shindou's very exaggerated announcement until one name caught her attention.

"And reigning over all these from the very top...In first place, Coming in first on the national mock exams with his perfect mastery of all subjects, The man with leadership in his genes: student council president Asano Gakushuu!" Hmm could I beat him maybe....well apart from w/s(weak subject) I'm fine with the rest. I know where I'm struggling in w/s maybe I could do better this time, besides its about time that boy finally got off his high horse.

She took her pencil and tried to continue drawing while listening to Shindou just to find her hand empty. Where did it even...

"They're looking to keep you from making it back to the main campus. If this keeps up...."
"Thanks for looking out for us, Shindou. But it's all right. Right now our goal is not to get out of the E class. Still, to meet the goal we do have we have to beat the A class on points. Watch us okay? We'll put up a good fight"

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