ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘

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" 𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑆𝑎𝑦 𝑊𝑒'𝑟𝑒 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠 "

My legs burn and cry for me to stop, do I listen. Not once, I keep running into the woods as I run uphill, I dodge branches and stumps which I barley make my way over. I've probably been running for almost an hour before I stop turning around cannons begin to go off ringing through the arena.

The bloodbath must be over as I'm counting on my fingers listening, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, it finally stops at number seventeen and I take a deep breathe collapsing on the dirt beneath me.

Seventeen down, only seven of us left. Looking at the sky above me I'd make it out to be around one or two in the afternoon. Because we sail sometimes we don't have clocks around which means we navigate and use time based on where the sun is set.

This is an arena though the game makers could easily change time to how they want it.

Catching my breathe as sweat drips on my skin I brush off the leaves in my hair which is kind of a mess but who cares. I take the backpack as I stick the knife out of it. It's beautiful embedded with carvings on it. I think as I unzip the bag to find a water bottle, nuts and rope, as well as a bit of a big hook. I stare at it, why would I need this?

To climb? Is there even a mountain near here that's straight up to climb on? I think to myself as the screams from my dry throat rings. Water, I need to find water.

Quickly putting all my supplies back I set out to find water.

If there is only seven of us left it's me, hopefully Gage, Clement, Vince, Glenda, then the other two must be the careers from three. But I didn't see them with the careers when I left. Could they have split up together away from the careers as it's only the seven of us left?

This is year must be a quick game year, I mean seventeen dead in less than three hours of being in the arena. The capital must be thrilled as that hasn't happened in years. But to think of it, ten of those deaths are on my hands.

You don't think they see me as a murderer right..I'm just a girl trying to make it out of these stupid games. I'm just trying to survive. It suddenly hits me of the fact that maybe I have changed, maybe I am a monster. A 𝑚𝑢𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑟.

I just hope Gage made it out alive, the only thing motivating me is him. Is his survival.

I keep walking as I see a squirrel run across. If there's animals there must be a water source close. I think as I begin to hear trickles of water going down a rock.

A waterfall I think as I'm in the clearing of a small little lake and waterfall that trickled out of a small cave in the mountain. I softly smile at the sight. Finally, I think as I rush to the edge and fill my water bottle up, I cup the water in my hands and splash it on my face hoping to clear some of the dry blood off of my cut, I drink and drink til I can't no more.

I put my water bottle in the bag as I think to myself, I didn't see any water at the cornucopia. You don't think this could be the only water source right. I think to myself, cause if it is, I won't be the only one here.

Seconds later I hear a rustle from my right side and before I can react I look to see the girl from three tackle me down. My breathe gets knocked out of my lungs as I kind of loudly grunt hitting my head against the ground.

The girl quickly takes my knife from me and presses it against my neck as she speaks, "hah, Clement told me she'd be the one to kill you, but she's a bitch so I'll make sure she knows I'm the one that did it."

God why are girls so petty, I try to use my strength to push her over but her knees keep my hands away and her feet pin my legs on the ground. Another step from the side and I look over to see her district partner standing there with a grin.

"Wow I hope everyone can see the great, amazing, powerful, Victoria Grace right now. As she struggles for her survival. Boo hoo" she makes a fake sad face and giggles to herself in a cold tone, "I'll tell your little lover boy too, don't worry, I'll give him a very slow and painful death." She mutters a bit as she smirks at me

Filling me with rage I glare at her, "d-don't you dare." I spit out as I push as hard as I can to get her body off me which causes her to giggle again.

"You're not going anywhere, any last words" her face becomes cold and heartless as she presses the blade down on my neck causing it to cut slightly

"Yeah, go to hell." I say as suddenly the guy from her district that was once standing there is suddenly on the ground with a spear through his back

This causes her attention to completely focus on him as she screams his name, "JAKE!" She screams as I had just enough time to take power over her hold and flip her to her side, I hold down her hand that has the knife as I wrap my hand around her throat and with all my strength I smash her skull up against the rock that was a few inches above her, her body that was thrashing back became lifeless within a second as the cannon goes off.

I then remember that there was someone else here and I look back to see Vince motioning for me to go, just as he does Gage steps out with his bow pointing at Vince

"Go you two! Now! Go!" He yells in a whisper to us, right away Gage and I make eye contact as we run the opposite way, together.

What even happened back there, did Vince just.
Save my life.

~ 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙡𝙮 ~Where stories live. Discover now