ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟘

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" 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑡𝑜𝑜 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑦𝑒𝑠 "

Making our way back we explain what we found out to the others, Nuts and Volts chatted away at a plan as I watch Johanna stare off.

"What's wrong?" I ask and she sighs

"Nothing, my district partner didn't make it. He wasn't much, but he was my mentor, he was from home." I know Johanna seems like she doesn't have feeling but she does. I've been friends with her for years now and even if she doesn't want to admit it she has her weak spots.

I take her in my embrace as she smiles softly and hugs me back, "thank you" she says under here breath.

"Come on guys! We're gonna grab Volts string that we need for this plan we're setting up" I hear Finnick motion to us and we set out to the cornucopia.

Peeta draws out a map on the sand as wiress sings, "hickory dickory dock, the mouse went up the clock-" she continues as we all chat.

"So we know here and here and there. The wave starts at one, the blood starts at two-"

We continue to chat as Finnick comes behind me and places his hand upon my waist to him. I lean into him taking it in.

"So what's the main plan then?" I ask as he nods

"Well, the tree strikes lightening to it. At exactly twelve. I say we go there, feed the line through and then it would kill anyone on the sands, aka the careers"

I shrug, as well as the others, "I say it's a plan-" I begin just as I notice the song stopping. We turn our heads to catch Brutus cutting wiress throat as she chokes on her own blood.

"WIRESS!" I say as I grip my knife and throw it at Brutus, he didn't jump out of the way in time and I end up catching his arm as he runs back around.

"Duck!" I hear as Finnicks trident flings past and I turn to see it right in cashmeres chest.

I smile wearily at Finnick as I run to get the trident I get knocked over. What the hell.

I scramble to my feet to be face to face with a blade to my face. These eyes are so familiar I think to myself as I struggle.

"You killed my district partner.. you killed my sister you bitch!" He spits and I widen my eyes. He's the guy that won three years before me.. the guy that murdered my brother.

He notices me realize and he chuckles. "Now, you're going to die just like your pathetic lowlife brother. What was his name? Oh yeah I forgot. Cause he was that worthless. I still remember his pleads. 'No please don't! My sister! My family' how pathetic" I glare at Finnick who was fighting off others and about to help me, I wanted this one to myself. I wanted to be the one to finish him off.

I glare right at him in fury in hate, "any last words pretty face?" He says as he craves his knife against my skin.

"Go. to. hell." I say as I fling my head against him causing him to wince in pain as he weakens I turn him over pinning him I grip the knife and with all my hate, pain, sadness, anger I stab him. Over and over as he coughs blood.

I don't stop, even when I hear the cannon. Even when he was dead I Didn't. As I feel tears run down my face. I felt a soft hand brush against my shoulder telling me to lay back and I cry. As I lean against Finnick my hands shake and he hold me.

"Shhhh vic it's okay" I sob into his shoulder as my vision gets blurry. I killed the man that killed my brother yet I don't feel any better. I feel like a horrible person. It didn't give me relief or happiness. Instead it gave me even more pain. I can't bring back what's gone. What's been gone.

Finnick rocks me as I grip his hand, "I'm not a baby" I say as I look up at him and he looks around worried.

"That's not me shaking." He says which causes me to be alert just as the platform we were on begins to move, spin.

Right away it spins faster and faster. I can see Johanna gripping on as I tumble back towards her I try to help just to be yanked by a piece of metal and thrown back.

"NO!" I can hear Johannas voice as she grips my hand and tries to pull me. I hold on tight as our hands begin to slip, "PLEASE DONT LET GO" she screams as I watch finnicks eyes dart to mine and just then, I let go.

Falling back into the crashing waves I am a fairly decent swimmer, but every time I'd try to go to the top, I'd be dragged down by the currents. My lungs beg for oxygen as I keep pushing, trying. I can't die here! Not yet! I think as I fight against. Just then something hits my head and I can feel myself look around as black spots fall upon my eye lids. My eyes grow heavy.

As my body fights it slows down, all of me slows. As I sink. I watch the light above me turn black as I sink and sink and can no longer feel the pain I once felt.

I guess this is it.

This is the end.

~ 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙡𝙮 ~Where stories live. Discover now