ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟡

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" 𝐼𝑚 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑚 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 "

All four of us grab our weapons and run, the fog slowly creeping in on us as Peeta hobbles behind everyone.

I notice as Finnick and Katniss run for their lives I trail back behind when Peeta hits a rock and falls.

I quickly grip his arm pulling him up, "PEETA COME ON!" I yell as Finnick looks back he sprints to me, Peetas weight carries me down as the fog creeps in on us and we both scream in agony.

Finnick grips Peeta and carries him as I fall to the ground Finnick shouts, "VIC COME ON GET UP" his words echo as I stumble ahead and fall back down hitting a rock against my head I groan.

Katniss goes back to reach me as the fog once more reaches us and our screams echo through the rainforest.

She grips my arm and helps me up, the world around me is blurred from me hitting my head as I can feel hot red blood drip in front of my eye.

We stumble into each other, both our legs aching for us to stop.

It comes too much for all of us to bare as we tumble down a steep hill and stop. All of us look at the fog waiting for our deaths to hit us. 

This is it.. I've failed once more.

I watch as the fog suddenly stops at our feet and vanishes just as quickly as it appeared.

I sigh a deep relief and lay my head back looking up at the tree branches.

"The w-water." I hear Katniss voice ring out as she screams once more in relief though.

Peeta and I both make our way there as the poison is relieved from it. I then dip my whole body in there going under and out multiple times.

Once Katniss and I got relieved I went over to Finnick, he got the worse of it as I grip his bumpy body that he couldn't even move.

We dump him in the water as he screams under from the pain.

"Shhh it's okay now." I whisper to him as I lay his head on my thighs and Katniss makes sure Peeta is alright.

Finnick grips my hand as I stroke his hair gently and he relaxes as he closes his eyes.


Once Finnick regains himself he sits up and grabs his trident, looking over he brushes his thumb against my cut.

I wince in pain, "Vic..let me help."

I shrug and turn away, "Finnick no."
I say as he takes some of the water and rinses the cut, I don't protest even though I said no. Cause frankly he knows I don't mean it. I'm just trying to be strong.

"I could have lost you fin." I say starring at the water and he chuckles.

"We woulda lost each other." He says tilting my head back to look at him.

"I look like a mess don't I" I say as we are covered in dirt and my hair is a mess

He shrugs "eh but you're my hot mess" he winks and I can't help but giggle. He always makes the worst situations bearable.

"Guys.. Peeta. Move away slowly from that tree"

Finnick and I confusingly look over at Katniss who has her bow in her hands looking up at the tree.

Right away I grip my spear and slowly stand up as Peeta comes back over to us, Finnick grabs his trident and looks around.

We're surrounded by these. Muts. They look like monkeys but generic, deadly.

Things are quite and I whisper, "we need to head to the beach" I say slowly pointing to the lighted sand in the distance.

Suddenly the Monkeys growl at us as we all put our weapons on hold.

"RUN NOW" Finnick says just as the first monkey starts to attack and Katniss shoots it down.

All four of us try to make a run for it just as the other monkeys follow suit and attack us.

I twist my spear around and impale multiple monkeys in the chest as I watch Katniss and Peeta make their way to the beach.

Finnick and I take the rear holding them off, "Vic run! I'm right behind you" I hear Finnick call out just as I do what he says I hear a loud grunt. Looking back I see a monkey trying to bite at his face and I ignore his words and run straight to him.

I take my knife and grip it from behind as I slit the monkeys throat.

Finnick catches his breath and nods in my direction just as we hear the other monkeys come forward.

We catch up to Katniss and Peeta just as we think we're about to witness Peetas death a tribute steps out in front and takes the blow.

Peeta takes her in his arms and runs just as we reach the edge of the sand Finnick tumbles forward and the monkeys stop in their tracks at the edge.

I turn over to watch as Peeta talks to the woman, "just focus on the colors."

Just as the cannon booms through the arena.

"She sacrificed herself for me" Katniss and I raise an eyebrow at each other then look back at him, "you really think she did?" I ask and he nods

"Yeah, but why" he asks as we watch her body float peacefully through the waters.


All of us take a moment to catch ourselves from the night we had. We're all beat and tired don't forget to mention hot as hell.

Suddenly we hear a scream followed by a cannon as we watch a big wave rush into the cornucopia.

All of us are on our feet, I can't make out who the person was. But I hope to god it wasn't Johanna.

Just as that thought occurred we hear coughs and light screams and bickering. We hide behind bushes just as I watch three figures covered in.. blood?

I know that dark hair anywhere, that voice. I quickly step out as Finnick grabs my hand and I smile softly at him and realization hits him and we both smile as we run to them, "JOHANNA!" I scream causing her to turn her head to me she sighs in relief and runs to us.

"VIC! FIN!" She shouts as she hugs us both, not bothered by the bloody stains.

"We were way deep in the jungle! Then suddenly we thought it was raining. Then it grew hotter.. thicker. HELL IT WAS BLOODY BLOOD!!" She shouted as I watch wiress tap Johanna, "Tik Tok, Tik tok" Johanna shrugs her off.

"What's wrong with her?" Katniss comes over to ask

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, SHE HAS BEEN SAYING THIS ALL DAY! Get off of me!" Johanna says as she pushes wiress off and Katniss bows up, " don't push her!" She says as she walks up to Johanna.

Watching Johanna raise her eyebrow and grips her axe as Finnick grabs her arms and holds her back from doing anything, "what the bloody hell did you just say! I got them FOR YOU!! For you you FUCKING" Johanna screams at Katniss as Finnick is restraining her and pulling her away from us.

I glance in finnicks eyes as I giggle and he shakes his head chuckling.

Turning back I see Katniss taking wiress for a bath. Maybe I should as well.

I join them and help Katniss undress and rinse the blood out of her hair as she continues, "Tik tok, Tik Tok" she continues to say, "what do you think it means?" Katniss asks as she looks over to me

"I don't know.." I then take a step back watching Katniss continue as I take in my surroundings. All the odd things to happen, the fog, the monkeys, the wave, the blood. How odd. All at different times. All at-

"it's a clock." I mutter under my breath as I look around the arena. Wiress stops saying it as she motions to me and Katniss glances over, I smile and chuckle a bit.

"WIRESS YOU ARE A GENIUS!" I say as she smiles and hugs me. I watch as Katniss realizes what I meant and a smile grows on her face, "it is! She is a genius" I giggle as I watch wiress and Katniss hug and we make our way to the beach to tell the others.

~ 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙡𝙮 ~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu