Chapter 10....

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After answering endless questions about being stuck in the elevator I trudged up the stairs to my apartment. The moment I stepped foot inside I made my way to my bed before falling on it, exhaustion once more creeping up on me. I passed out shortly after still clad in my clothes and the giant jersey I hadn't given back to Wyatt.

That was three days ago and it all sort of felt like a feverish dream. I almost thought I imagined it until I woke up later that day still in the jersey. The same jersey that was hanging off one of my chairs after I washed it.

It's been three days since the night of the elevator and I have yet to see Wyatt again. I had spent most of Saturday sleeping and then answering the million texts and calls from Lydia asking where the hell I was. She pretty much demanded we hang out on Sunday so I was gone most of the day. And then it was suddenly Monday.

"Are you seriously not going to tell me who the guy in the elevator is?" Lydia walked into my office, asking the same question yet again.

When I told her about what happened, I left out who Wyatt was. I wasn't sure if he'd want me to tell anyone and honestly I wanted to keep most of that night to myself. Like it was something that was all mine and no one could take it from me.

"Nope." I replied back still staring at my screen.

"Buzzkill." She muttered before taking a seat across from my desk. "So are you going to try and find him?"

I looked away from my computer and leaned back with a sigh. All weekend I thought about trying to find Wyatt. I could probably ask around and find his apartment number easily but for some reason something was holding me back.

What if he didn't want to see me again? What if that night in the elevator was just a fluke? Him only being nice to me because we were stuck together. I mean how awkward would that night have been if we hadn't spoken a single word to each other. Wyatt is a nice guy it wouldn't surprise me if he was just being kind because of the situation.

"I don't know," I mumbled.

"Why not? If it was as amazing as you said, it was why not try and find him?" She looked at me like I was crazy.

"What if its just that. One night."

"You didn't sleep together right?" Lydia raised her eyebrows at me. I shot up and shook my head.


"What just a question. Stuck in an elevator all night something could have happened. I mean I would have." I rolled my eyes knowing full well that Lydia definitely would have had sex in the elevator if she was in my position.

"No none of that happened."

"Shame." At her words I couldn't help but start to wonder why something like that didn't happen. I mean we were in there all night and things could have gone there if we had tried. He probably didn't find my attractive like that.

Ah there is that inner voice that I hated so much.

I knew a big chunk of it was not wanting him to think I was that kind of person. That I wasn't the type of girl to sleep with him because of who he is. But it didn't stop the hurt from flaring in my chest. If I was being honest it was probably a mix of both.

"It's probably for the best." I shrugged acting like it wasn't a big deal. Give him a few more days and he'll forget about me. He could have any girl he wants so why would he choose me out of them anyways.

"Why do you say that?"

"Lyd if you could have seen him you'd know how far out of my league he is." Which was absolutely true. Wyatt was hot. The kind of hot that belonged in magazines and if you saw him walking down the street you'd fall in love while he didn't even glance in your direction.

"Jo you know that isn't true." Lydia shook her head at me, her eyes softening. "You are beautiful and any guy who doesn't see that is a dick." I laughed at her use of the word dick.

Lydia knew about my track record with men, most of it spilt over a bottle of wine.

"Thank you." I sent her a small smile.

"Anytime." She sent me a wink before standing up. "But think about finding this mystery guy. You never know what could happen."

With that she left my office. Leaving me to sit there wondering if she was right but would Wyatt even want to see me again? 

 Leaving me to sit there wondering if she was right but would Wyatt even want to see me again? 

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