Chapter 38....

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"I like your apartment more than mine."

"Oh yeah?"

"It's homier and it smells good."

Laughing I placed a kiss on Wyatt's chest as I laid on top of him. He had one hand tracing my spine and the other gripping my ass. My boyfriend was probably one of the biggest ass mans I've ever met. He barely goes a few minutes without trying to grab it I swear.

"That's what candles are for."

"It smells like you. Coconut and strawberries." He hummed underneath me. I did agree with him though. I liked his apartment, and while it was a tad bit bigger than mine, mine felt more lived in. I had taken the last year to make it how I wanted it. Wanting the perfect place to come home to after work.

Wyatt's place was definitely more of a bachelor pad and you could tell a guy lived there alone. I mean the guy only had like two towels, a one in all shampoo, and one plug in frebreeze in his room. I could tell his mom has tried to help but it was the whole definition of bachelor pad.

"You know I'm surprised we've never run into each other before. I mean you live a floor away." It is a tiny bit odd we've never met before that day in the elevator. The apartment building wasn't that big.

"I've only lived here about a year, maybe that's why." I replied. 

"I've been here almost three. What made you decide to move in?" I knew he was just being curious but the question sent a pang through my chest. Moving here wasn't really filled with the usual happiness people have when they get a new apartment. Keeping my gaze down I watched my fingers as they traced figures on his chest.

"Um my dad actually bought this place for me." My voice got quieter. "I hadn't known about it until he passed away. His attorney had called me, I didn't even know he had one, and told me my father had left a will and a note for me." Wyatt's hand on my back was soft as he kept tracing my skin. His touch keeping me grounded.

"My dad knew he wasn't going to make it so a few months before he wrote a will. He sold our house getting way more than what it was worth, some developer wanted the land so he gave my dad way more than he had asked for. With the money he paid off the medical bills and bought this apartment for me. He didn't tell me because he knew I would have turned it down." I couldn't help the tears from gathering in my eyes.

I remember being so pissed when I read the will and note, explaining what he had done. He had gone behind my back to buy me an expensive apartment. An apartment I didn't want or need. I was fine living with Tasha in a small but cozy apartment. I hadn't wanted the apartment. I had wanted my dad.

It never mattered that we didn't have much money but as long as I had him I was fine. I had hated him for using the money when we could have used it to get him more help. Get a better doctor. Better medicine. Could have found some way to save him. But instead of fighting he gave up.

"God I was so pissed." I shook my head. "Especially because he hadn't told me. Just left it in some note for me to read after he died." The tears I had been holding back slid down my face. "I wasn't going to keep the apartment. I didn't want it but when I stepped foot in here I loved it. My dad knew exactly what I liked and made sure I got the best apartment with the best appliances. He knew as soon as I stepped in here I wouldn't be able to say no."

This was the last thing I had left of my father. This was the last thing he did for me before he died. Instead of looking out for himself he made sure I was going to be okay when he was gone. That I wouldn't struggle.

I hadn't known it until that day that my father had been putting money aside since I was 10. All those extra shifts and late nights working himself to the bone. All of that so he could save money for me. Enough money where I could live happily for quite a few years and never have to wonder what would happen to me.

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