Chapter 37....

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"Tasha is going to be so pissed at us for coming to a game without her." Lydia commented as we walked up to the line to get into the doors of the stadium.

"She'll be back next week and no doubt will demand we bring her to one." I shook my head but I was happy my other best friend was finally coming home. As we showed our passes, curtsey of Wyatt, the two of us followed the crowd inside.

Every part of me was buzzing with excitement. Going to see another game but not only that...I was going to see my boyfriend play. Boyfriend. The word brought a smile to my face. It was a bit crazy thinking Wyatt Boone was my boyfriend. All mine.

After he asked me last night to be his girlfriend he showed me exactly how much he wanted to be with me. We both fell asleep tangled up in one another.

"Okay I know your thinking about the amazing sex you and your boyfriend had last night, but can you tell us where we are going?" Lydia broke me out of my thoughts. My cheeks flushed at the fact that I was literally doing just that.

"Um yeah this way." I lead us in the direction I went last time. Sydni already texted me saying she was here. I already knew her and Lydia would get along great. I was just more curious on whats going to happen with Wyatt's brother Landon and Lydia.

Not to brag about my match making skills but something tells me those two would be good for each other....well eventually. I know Lydia and I have a feeling Landon and her are going to clash quite a bit. But I was interested in seeing how they are together. It was going to either end up as a disaster or go great.

"Fancy." Lydia commented as we flashed our tickets to even get to the section our seats were in. From the looks of it we were seated directly up front next to the plexiglass. "Dating the star player really has its perks." In a way she wasn't wrong but I would be just fine watching at home instead of front row seats.

"Josie!" A familiar voice called out. Up ahead I saw Sydni waving her hand at us beaming. Next to her I caught a glimpse of blond hair-Landon. It took us a minute to get to our seats with how many people there were here. They've always had a huge crowd but it seems after the last game even more people are here.

"Hey." I greeted Sydni with a smile.

"I'm so glad you guys are here."

"This one was taking too long getting lost in a sex daydream." Lydia jerked her thumb at me. She said it so loud and casually.

"I did not." I slapped her arm.

"Uh huh. You almost had drool coming out of your mouth."

"You know what I evoke your ticket."

"Too late." She sent me a smirk before brushing past me. "I'm Lydia by the way." She introduced herself.

"Sydni, nice to meet you." By the grin they shared I had a feeling having them meet was going to be a mistake. I slid past the two as they started talking.

"Hey." I greeted Landon with a smile. I was still intimidated as hell around Wyatt's older brother, especially since he didn't really like me at first. And I really wanted him to like me.

"Hey." Landon greeted back, sending me a closed lip smile but it was more of a response than the other day, which I'll take.

Over my shoulder I felt the presence of someone and instantly knew it was Lydia. Lets see how this goes. Glancing over my shoulder I looked at Lydia and back to Landon.

"Lydia is is Landon, Wyatt's brother. Landon this is my best friend, Lydia." I introduced them. I moved back a little in my seat as Lydia leaned forward.

I sat there silently looking back and forth as the two of them stared at one another. I watched Lydia look him up and down while Landon did the same thing.

"Hello." Lydia all but purred. I scrunched my nose up suddenly realizing this may be a bad idea. I know Lydia and she is going to eat him up and spit him out faster than he could blink. Landon seemed to shake out of his daze as he gave Lydia a single head nod and turned back to the ice rink.

My lips twitched at the bewildered look on Lydia's face at Landon's clear dismissal. Lydia isn't use to men dismissing her so casually. I mean she is a complete knock out. With blonde hair cut short to her chin, piercing green eyes that were the greenest ones I've ever seen. Add on the fact that she was pretty successful and only 28.

It seems like I am wrong though. Landon can hold his own against her just fine. With a shake of my head I turned away and leaned over to talk to Sydni. This was going to be interesting.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Shoot the damn puck!! SHOOT!"

I was screaming at the top of my lungs as I stood up. I knew the team didn't hear me over the cheering of the crowd but it didn't stop me. From the corner of my eye I noticed Sydni and Lydia were leaning away slightly and sharing a look. When I told Wyatt I got a bit intense at hockey I wasn't joking.

With only three minutes left on the clock the Knights needed to score to win. It was tied 2-2 at the moment. Wyatt and his team have looked great all night. Once more moving like one on the ice. I could tell there was a shift in the team this game. Like they had gained their confidence back a little.

I kept my eyes on Wyatt as he skated around, zipping past players as he pushed the puck in front of him. Watching him skate was weirdly erotic.

All the players on the other team knew Wyatt was one of the best players on the team, making them double team him almost the entire game. When someone slammed Wyatt into the plexiglass I winced, gripping the armrest of the chair. That was one of the things that sucked watching a game in person. Seeing how aggressive they could be. I didn't like seeing Wyatt slammed into the glass with a loud thud.

Wyatt got surrounded by three guys as he tried to make a shot. The people in the stands screaming as he hit the puck right between two of the guys, sending it right for Trevor. Almost like it was planned the puck slid past Trevor perfectly where he could hit it with his stick. Sending it straight into the other teams goal.


Now to hold back the other team for another two minutes.

For the next minute I was on the edge of my seat. With both teams calling time outs it made it longer which just frayed at my nerves. Who knew it would be so stressful watching a game in person.

As the final minutes ticked down the louder the stadium got. All the yelling echoing in my ears as I watched my boyfriend play.

With only a few seconds left Bryton had the puck. Beside me Sydni screaming just as loud as I was. They were moving so fast across the ice trying to score one last time before the buzzer went off.

"Go go go." I chanted.

I could tell Bryton didn't have a clear shot for the goal as he neared, everyone around him trying to hold off the other team. As he lined up the shot I shook my head, it wasn't going to go in.

It was like the whole stadium fell silent as Bryton brought his stick back. I didn't realize my hand had reached out and was now gripping Landon's forearm tightly. Needing to hold onto something but Landon seemed so focused on the game to even care.

Right as he brought the stick down he shifted his stance and sent the puck in another direction. Right to the person who somehow managed to be in that exact spot. Wyatt grabbed the puck and sent it flying....right into the top left corner of the goal. Seconds later the buzzer went off.

It all went silent for a moment before the screaming started. I jumped to my feet screaming blooding murder while jumping up and down. That was probably one of the most perfect plays. The entire team cheered on the ice, hitting shoulders with each other but I only had eyes for one person. And that one person was skating towards me.

With the biggest smile on my face I stood there as Wyatt skated over to the plexiglass where I was standing. Under his helmet I could see the ear-splitting grin on his face. He tapped on the glass two times. I did it back wishing like hell I could kiss him right now.

Sending me a wink Wyatt skated away back to his team. I stood there grinning like a fool. That's my man. 

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