Chapter 20....

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Watching Wyatt play hockey inches away from me was mesmerizing. There was no other word to describe it. Sitting here watching a hockey game in person was everything I ever wanted it to be, and add on the fact that it was Wyatt I was watching just made it all that much better.

Even though my eyes were mostly focused on Wyatt I did notice how well the team worked together. Trevor and Bryton doing their job of helping Wyatt move the puck around. The others on the team anticipating everyones moves to get in the right spot. In a weird way it was almost like I was watching a play. They all had cues and spots they had to be at in order for the play to work.

There was something in the air tonight though. I could feel it, the fans around me could feel it, and it almost seemed like the team could too. For the first time this whole season the team seemed to be sync. Just like they use to be.

During the fifteen minute break between periods Sydni and I got up and got a drink, talking the entire time. I was so glad she decided to show up for the game tonight because she was just amazing. She was beyond nice but she was sarcastic as hell which I loved. The more we talked the more we found out we had a lot in common.

Both went to Ryerson and somehow didn't run into each other. She was a year older than me and was an event coordinator. It was a bit crazy that the two of us have been to the same events and never crossed paths before.

I found myself laughing more with her than I have in the last year. She just had this vibe about her that made me glad we met.

"How long have you and Bryton been together?" I asked, sipping the beer she practically shoved into my hand. In her words 'you need a beer in hand while enjoying grown men hit each other'. Couldn't say I didn't disagree.

"Going on about 6 months." An almost loving expression appeared on her face.

"He seems pretty great." My eyes looked around the ice making sure Wyatt wasn't back to playing.

"He is." Sydni gushed. "And he's the worlds biggest dork." She laughed. "On our first date he took me to a Marvel Themed event thing. They had tons of merch, and games you could play as if you are part of the movie. They even had this simulator where you are of the Avengers, it was so amazing."

I laughed imagining a big guy like Bryton being really into marvel.

"That sounds super fun."

"It was." A dreamy look crossed her face. Slight jealous flared in my chest at the look. I wanted someone like that when they talked about me. I had to look away. I scanned the ice again and found Number 8 hopping over the board and back onto the ice.

I swore the crowd got a bit more wild at the sight of their golden player hitting the ice. The clock said 3 minutes left and we were currently up by two. I sat up straighter, my eyes glued to Wyatt as he moved. Beside me Sydni went just as quiet.

To me the last few minutes of the game were always the best. As the time clicked out the players got more aggressive and went full out, skating as hard as they could across the ice. Everyone trying to score one last time before the buzzer went off.

I thought watching the last few minutes on TV was intense but it was nothing like actually sitting here watching it in front of me. Feeling the energy of the crowd.

Sydni and I sat there watching as both teams skated back and forth on the ice. The opposite teams defense good at keeping us from scoring. I only had eyes for Wyatt. The way he moved around the ice was so graceful. There really wasn't any other word for it. You could plainly see this was what he was meant to do. Being out on the ice was where he belonged.

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