Chapter 35....

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The moment I stepped foot into the fancy restaurant I instantly felt out of place. It was one of those places that you needed a reservation a year in advance just to get in. Everything about this place screamed rich.

I felt eyes on us as soon as we stepped inside. Part of it was the fact that I was severely underdressed, even though I was in a cute dress it still somehow made me feel lower on the tandem pole. Especially seeing the gorgeous gowns, yes gowns, some of the women were wearing. And the other part was the guy standing at my side.

This would really be the first time Wyatt and I are seen together out in public. Sure we went to dinner with his family yesterday but the little Italian place we ate at wasn't that busy and everyone there seemed to know who Wyatt was so it wasn't a big deal. But here....I could feel the air shift around us.

I glanced to the side feeling eyes on me only to be met with a judgmental glare from some woman standing off to the side. She looked me up and down slowly before turning her nose up at me and looking away.

I tried not to let the look affect me as Wyatt lead us to the front desk. As soon as we reached the front desk the girl standing there straightened up, her eyes immediately eyeing Wyatt up and down. I couldn't help but press myself closer to his side, not liking the way she was staring at my man. I didn't even bother to correct my inner voice at saying he was mine.

Jealously grew inside of me as she looked at him like he was a piece of meat she wanted to devour. My eyes narrowed at the way she leaned forward, her breasts practically popping out of her shirt as she sent Wyatt a wide fake smile, never once looking in my direction.

"Two for dinner." Wyatt spoke. The girl finally dragged her eyes away from him and looked at me. Instantly a look of what could only be described as disgust appeared on her face.

"I'm sorry but we only have room for one. Maybe your....friend can wait outside." She practically spat the word 'friend' as if I was gum stuck on the bottom of her shoe. It was clear she didn't think I should be standing next to Wyatt.

Old feelings of not being good enough were rushing to the surface. The same look of disgust reminding me of past looks sent my way. I felt my cheeks flame up as I looked down. It wasn't the words that hurt, it was the fact that Wyatt was standing front and center for it. Having to be here witnessing someone point out exactly how I wasn't good enough to be with him.

"I can seat you right now." The girl was speaking so loud we gathered a small crowd of people watching us. My humiliation was just growing.

"Wyatt-" I started to say, trying to tug my hand out of his but he just tightened his grip.

"I suggest you take your eyes off of her before I call your manager and get you fired." The tone Wyatt used was one I've never heard from him before. From where I stood I could see his jaw was clenched like he was holding back from saying more. The girl swallowed and opened her mouth to say something but Wyatt just shook his head.

"Lets go." Without another word he turned on his heel, leading us out of the restaurant and the judgmental stares.

Glancing up at Wyatt I felt bad making him leave the restaurant. Lord knows what he did just to get us in and it was basically my fault the hostess wouldn't seat us. Softly tugging at his hand I pulled us to a stop on the side of the sidewalk.

"Wyatt." I waited for his eyes to meet mine before continuing. "You should go eat. I'll go home and we can hang out another time." It wasn't fair for him not to go because of me.


"No its fine really. Go eat and I'll see you later." Right now I was just embarrassed by everything. I knew at some point someone would point out that I wasn't good enough for someone like Wyatt but I hadn't really expected it so soon. And while I expected it, it still hurt hearing it.

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