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"You bought a lady?" The deep voice hissed. "This wasn't o' part of our deal, Pierce. What in the name of Davy Jones can I do with 'er? They are bad luck to sailors."

I huffed and span my heal around. I've had about enough. Raising my palm, I brought it down to land a hard slap to the one who had insulted me, but whoever he was, blocked my arm by grabbing my wrist. I gazed at the man in awe, letting my mouth open slightly.

His almond shaped dark brown eyes glared at me, and his jaw clenched. His thin pink lips pressed into a thin line. "Ey," he growled. "Did ye just try an' hit me?"

I didn't reply. I was still amazed. It was my first time ever seeing an Asian pirate. While my eyes were still fixed upon his— face and everything else, he turned his head to the man who had bought and brung me here. "Where did ye get 'er?"

"She's a siren sir." Pierce stuttered nervously. "The merchants say so."

The pirate in front of me brought his eyes back to me and looked me up and down. "That she isn't." He snorted.

"H-how?" Pierce scratched is dirty head with a mumble seeping from his lips. "I've never seen such a beauty before me."

"Aye, I've never seen o' woman like 'er neither." The pirate replied. "Why is 'er skin so brown? I wasn't taught about women who look like this before."

I spat at him. He threw his face back in disgust and released his hold on my wrist to wipe his face. "Bloody murder." He grunted. "Aye, feisty one isn't she?"

"Don't you have somewhere to be back in Asia? A wall to build or palace to overthrow?" I shot back. He narrowed his eyes at me, and abruptly snatched me by the collar of my dress. I gasped at the sudden movement and struggled to walk as he dragged me across the deck of the ship.

"What are you doing!?" I screeched, trying to grab onto him for balance. He pinned me against the edge of the ship, and I panicked as he slightly pushed me off the ledge.

"Let's see if the fishies think ye' taste like chocolate." He smirked and pushed me even further, to a point a felt like I was actually going to slip into the water. The ship hadn't even moved and I already had no doubt that this man would end my life right here. I grabbed onto his arm and screamed.

"P-please don't do this!" I begged. "I'm sorry! I take it back!"

"Did ye' hear somethin'?" He raised his hand to his ear, making a complete mockery of my pleas. The crew around us just laughed and shook their heads, playing along with his teasing.

"S-sir, please! I can't swim!" I whined. "I'm sorry!" I screamed again, slightly louder than my first apology. The pirate brought his eyes back to mine, and his stature relaxed. I felt him yank me back up and off the ledge, letting me fall to the wooden floor on my knees.

I felt my body shake once my hands touched the ground. The pirate kneeled down next to me and snatched my chin in his palms, pinching my cheeks while at it. His eyes drifted to Pierce, who watched the entire scene with a terrified expression. "I'll accept your gift for now," He said in a low and dark tone, "But this doesn't mean that our deal is over. I expect much more from your services, Pierce-lad."

"B-but Captain!" He started, but the pirate interrupted.

"Ye' take my money and betray me for compensation worth only o' a lady?" He chuckled evilly. His crew laughed along with him, obviously not understanding the sarcasm behind his tone. "I will wring your plump neck into pigs tail , if ye' think this will repay me." He stopped laughing and snarled at Pierce, making the entire crew go silent.

His angry voice sent shivers down MY spine, and I wasn't even his initial target. Pierce lowered his head in submission and nodded. "Aye, I understand, Captain." Pierce brushed off his pants and walked into the main deck below.

"As for ye' lassie." He brought his attention back to me, and a slight smile appeared with his lips. "Can ye' cook?"

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