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It seemed like HOURS went by. Probably had been hours since I last saw the pirate captain and a few of the crew, including that guy Pierce. Because of his absence, I had a lot of time to think. Too much time, I think.

First of all, what was my plan for getting back home? That librarian brought me here, and it seemed I was stuck here. I had no idea how to leave this story I was entrapped in.

Second, was I supposed to be taking notes? This would really be helpful for my project. I didn't have any resources to write anything down, so I'd probably have to keep that in mind for later.

Last, it dawned on me that I didn't even know the captains name. And he didn't know mine. What was I supposed to call him?

"Miss!" Jon caught my attention by waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked. "Are you ill?" He placed his palm against my forehead. "You seem to be fine but your head feels quite warm. Cap'n will kill me if you're ill."

"I'm fine, Jon." I sighed, and brought his hands away from my face. "I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"Your Captain." I mumbled.

Jon blinked at me before a wide smile appeared across his face. He let out a hearty giggle, distracting me from my thoughts. "So I suppose you've been captured by his charm."

"I.. what?" I snapped. His charm? Captured?

"He has that affect on a lot of women. I guess it's no exception from you. From what I understand, his looks aren't that bad. He's different in many ways, and incredibly intelligent." Jon rambled on and on while I was still confused as to what he was implying.

"What is your Captains name?" I coughed and switched the subject.

"You don't know?" Jon tilted his head, perplexed. "He never told you?"

"I was bought and sold against my will then forced on this ship." I explained in a very monotonous voice. "So I don't know anything about him."

"Hm." Jon pressed his lips together and scratched his beard, again. "I can tell you his name, but if he hasn't told you anything else about himself, I can't disclose too much information."

"What? Why?" He can't disclose anymore information about his own Captain? That was complete idiocy.

"Because we still don't know where you came from." He shrugged. "How do we know you're not someone who can potentially harm us? Not to mention, your appearance." He looked me up and down. "It doesn't help you either. Our Captain has a load of trust issues towards new people."

"I see your point," I nodded with him in agreement. "But I don't mean any harm."

"His name is Peters." Jon exhaled and ran his hands through is gray hair. "If you want to know anything else, I suggest you ask him yourself. You won't get another detail out of me, or the rest of the crew."

"Peters?" I repeated with a light chuckle in my voice. That was such an..English name. I thought his name would've been a bit different.

"Aye, and what may yours be?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Charlotte." He was the first pirate on this ship that asked for my name, and for some reason, it made my heart feel warm. "Charlotte Jones."

"Jones?" Jon laughed. "Like Davy Jones?"

"I.. yes? No?" I clenched my teeth tightly, hiding the fact I was a bit confused as to who or what Davy Jones was or meant.

"I'm kidding." He tapped me on a the back, a little too hard, causing me to stumble a bit. "He turned into a squid long ago, I doubt you're related."

I cracked a fake smile, and fake laugh, playing along.

"Jon!" A familiar deep voice grunted. The ship tilted slightly as Peters climbed up the rope ladder, along with 5 other men including Pierce. They all were carrying boxes of fruit, veggies, and spices. I even saw a bag full of rice.

"Cap'n! You're back so soon." Jon tapped his leaders shoulder hard, but Peters barely stumbled. He nodded at him and directed the men carrying the food to the stores below the main deck.

"Looks like we'll be having some good dinner tonight boys." Peters smiled, and walked over to me. I felt him wrap an arm around my back, and he pulled me closer. "Miss me, Lass?"

"No." I spat.

"I'm sure she did." Jon winked at me. I suddenly remembered what he had implied earlier. I signaled for him to keep his mouth shut, but he ignored me and persisted. "She was getting pretty cheeky and thought of you the whole time you were gone."

"No, I wasn't."

"It's okay if ye' don't admit it, love." He brought his lips down swiftly onto the side of my forehead that wasn't bruised. I gasped and hopped back almost ten feet. Did this man just.. kiss me? Of course it wasn't a real kiss, but might as well have been! His dirty mouth touched my skin!

"No! Don't." I pointed at him and gave him the stink eye. "Stay away from me." Peters tilted his head out of curiosity. A small smile formed on his lips, and he scratched his nose.

"The sun is setting. The boys are hungry, so ye' should start cooking." He brushed past me in a suggestive way. When he walked away, my body remained frozen in place. Why in the world was he teasing me?

"Set sail for the next port!" He shouted at one of the crew members. "Raise the anchor an' bring o' Spring upon 'er!"

"Ey!" I heard a voice from the docks shout at us. "The man who stole our rice! Cleave him to the brisket!" As I heard the anchor was being raised, I noticed a few men in leather jackets and hats pull at the ropes that held our ship to the dock.

"Cap'n!" Jon looked overboard with a panicked expression. "It seems we have unwanted sailors who want your head on a platter." He and I watched as some of those sailors began climbing aboard the ship. "Charlotte! Go to he Cap'ns cabin and hide."

Peters looked between Jon and I in surprise. "Who? What did ye' just call her?" I ignored his questioning gaze and straight for the door, but one of the intruders appeared out of no where in front of me. I slipped on my own foot and screamed. The intruder paused at the sight of me, and blinked.

"What kind o' woman—" was all he could get out before he was kicked away by Peters.

"You're going to bruise yourself again if ye' don't get that behind o' yours moving!" He hissed and reached out to me. I nodded and went to grab his hand, but the ship jolted to the side, causing us both to slide wherever gravity lead us.

I felt my back hit the wall, knocking the air out of me. A bunch of random men who boarded our ship engaged in fighting with the crew. Everyone whipped out their swords, and the blades began colliding with each other.

One man in particular who caught my attention snuck over to Peters, who was currently out cold, I guess from when the bolt jolted and he hit a wooden pole. A man with an eyepatch, and bulky clothing pulled out a dagger from his pocket and raised it above Peters chest, and I panicked. "Peters!" I screamed, catching a few glances from our crew. "NO!" I scrambled myself up as quick as I could. Then I grabbed a top of a wooden crate I found nearby and bolted towards the man about to kill the Captain. I rammed the crate top into his face as hard as I could, knocking him back a bit.

"Peters!" I fell to my knees and tapped his cheek. He was still knocked out. Lord, I hope he wasn't dead. I snorted as a thought came to mind. A hard headed man passes out from being hit by a wooden pole. It's funny how that worked out.

I lifted my arm into the air and slapped him as hard as I could. His eyes jolted open immediately, and he snatched my wrists into his fist. He glanced around rapidly and panted. "Did ye' just hit me?"

Before I could answer, I felt myself being raised into someone's arms. It was the man with one-eye, and he carried me over to the edge of the ship. I fought as hard as I could to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong. "Let's see how much o' woman like ye' likes the taste of your own medicine." I could imagine that he smirked while he said that.

I shrieked when he pushed me off his shoulders, overboard the ship.


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