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"Are you guys excited?" One of my coworkers grabbed me by my shoulders from behind and jumped up and down. Her quick movement almost gave me a heart attack. I think her name was Eliza. "One of our biggest sponsors is visiting our gallery today!"

"How is that a good thing?" Another coworker of mine groaned and slammed a stack full of photographs onto our table.

"Careful!" Eliza hissed and took the photographs off the table, carefully studying them to make sure they weren't damaged. "The sponsor coming means that if we do well showing off some of our work, we get a raise!"

"Our work?" I asked, completely in disbelief of what she said. "The sponsor wants to see our work? Not any of the ones on display?" I pointed to the many photos on canvases that surrounded us on the walls.

"Yeah." Eliza snorted. "That's why we set up a section for the employees over there." She pointed to the far left of the room, where there were shelves that had some of the employees personal projects framed, waiting to be sold. "What's the use of hiring people who work in a photo gallery if they don't contribute and know what the purpose of photography is?"

Oh crap. Earlier this week, I had placed a photo I took on that shelf to show the boss what I was working on for school. I didn't know that the purpose of the shelf was for sponsors or partners of our building to actually come to see it.

"Do you know when they're coming?" I asked in a panic.

"Not a clue." She shrugged. "I have no idea who it could be either. They could walk in any moment. We just have to look out for them and greet everyone who comes in."

"Oh." I sighed.

That's what we ended up doing for the rest of my shift. Greeting everyone who walked in and showing them around. I was exhausted from talking to so many people. My shift was coming to an end, so I decided to leave my station and go into the restroom.

When I finished, I left the restroom and glanced to my right. A gasped escaped from my lips when I came in distant contact with the man I treated out to a meal a few days before.

He was staring intently at our 'employee's exclusives' shelf. His eyes were watery, and his mouth was pressed together right. He looked.. sad? I watched as he extended his arm out to my photo in particular.

My photo was the one with a picture of a small girl, holding hands with what looked like her father at a park. The color was faded into black and white for extra effect, symbolizing a past relationship, how children view their parents before growing older.

He skimmed his fingers across the photo, and I feared he was going to ruin it, so I strolled over to him to catch his attention.

"Excuse me," I said. His eyes shot over to me, and he whipped his head in the other direction. I saw him wipe away a few tears before he looked back at me with the usual glare he gave. "What are you doing here?"

"None of your business." He snapped viciously. "Are you following me again?"

"I work here." I crossed my arms and closed the distance between us. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"If you work here, why aren't you off organizing or something?" He questioned. I bit my lip, frustrated at his observation. I didn't have anything else to say in regards to his response, so I changed the subject.

"You can't touch the photos."

"Says who?" He challenged and took a step closer to me.

"If you're not going to buy anything, you should just leave." I shrugged. He clenched his fists and jaw, and narrowed his eyes at me. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but he lowered his head, turned around and walked away.

I shrugged and made my way back to my station. I glanced at the clock. It was time for my to get off work. I signed out of my shift and went to grab my things, however one particular and crucial object of mine was missing. I looked under my locker, into the one beneath mine and around the proximity of the area.

"Eliza!" I called out.

"Yes?" She replied in a chirpy tone.

"Have you seen my camera?"

"Didn't you leave it by your station?" She walked over and searched around with me for a bit. "If it's not over here check there."

I thanked her and walked back over to my work station. I lifted up the photographs and nudged other small tools around, but I couldn't find it. I tried not to freak out about it at first, but my heart sank more and more when it later dawned on me.

My camera was gone.

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