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Qi Tai's alarm woke me up. I sat up in the bed, and looked to my side. Qi Tai's face was buried into his pillow. I forgot how much of a deep sleeper he was. He was probably exhausted from last night, trying to get Joon to sleep.

I crawled over to his side and stretched out to his nightstand to turn the alarm off. Then I rubbed my eyes before nudging him slowly. "Qi Tai.." I mumbled. I poked him in the cheek. "Your alarm went off." I said when I felt him stir underneath me. He opened his eyes slowly, and yawned.

"I think you have to get ready for work."

I felt him wrap his arm around my back and he yanked me down to his bare chest. I tried pulling away, but his hold on me tightened. "Qi Tai.." I groaned.

"Just a bit more sleep." He mumbled.

"I have to get ready and wake up Joon. It's his first day of school."

"He can sleep a little more." He grumbled. "It's just the daycare." I felt him wrap his legs around mine, forming a very dangerous position. "They won't mind if he's a bit late." He said in a suggestive tone, placing a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"You better not." I squirmed away from him. Qi Tai loosened his grip, allowing for me to get up. I hopped off the bed, and left the room, strolling over to the right side of the apartment. I pushed open his door and walked inside, surprised to find that he was awake and playing with his toys. "Joon." I whined, "Didn't he put you to bed last night?"

He blinked at me. "I hungry." He reached out his arms. I grabbed some of his toys and put them back in the bin, taking him by the hand and into the kitchen.

After ate and I helped him put on his clothes, I took out a water bottle, a hair brush, a comb and hair gel from one of the suitcases and started styling his hair. Joon hated this part of the morning, because although his hair was wavier than mine, it still tangled easily. He was very tender headed.

As I combed his hair, he whined and tried snatching the comb away many times. Once I was finished, I put on a hoodie and headed for the door. Julie was the one who was supposed to help me navigate to the school.

"Yeobo," Qi Tai called out to me. "Don't leave just yet." He walked out of the bedroom, fully dressed in a suit. He was still tying his tie while he strolled over to us and slipped on his shoes. "I'm going to take you." He reached behind me for a coat on the rack by the door.

"Julie was supposed to—"

"She just called me." He opened the door for us. "Qi-Qi is running late for school and missed her train."

"That's why she can't come?"

He nodded. "She has to take her to school."


"Joon Appa, Joon Eomma!" One of the daycare workers walked over and greeted us with a bow. We did so in return.

She had the biggest smile on her face as she crouched down to Joon's level. "Neomu kwi-yeo-weo!" She brushed his shoulders, and looked back at us. "Very cute! Curly hair and he looks so much like his father." She replied in English. "Are you ready to start?"

She looked back at him and asked. Joon blinked at her nervously and clutched onto Qi Tai's leg. "Does he speak English or Korean more?" The daycare worker stood back up, looking at me.

"He understands English." I bit my lip anxiously, very nervous about being separated from him. I've been with him for his whole life, and I knew sending him away for the first time would be a little hard on me. Especially, since we weren't in America anymore. "But, I think he speaks more Korean. We are still trying to teach him."

"Ah, no worries!" She clapped her hands together.

Qi Tai exchanged a few more words with her in Korean before gently prying Joon's hands off him. Joon looked at Qi Tai with the biggest puppy dog eyes, and his father pointed in the direction of the daycare worker.

"Joon come here," The lady took his hands in hers. "Somi-Noona will take care of you." She introduced and tugged on his arm gently. She waved at us, pulling him inside slowly. "Say Bye-bye!"

As soon as they got inside the building, Qi Tai turned on his heel and headed back to the vehicle. I jogged after him and hopped in the passenger seat. We drove off, riding in silence until he dropped me off back at the apartment.

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