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After getting the necessary treatment from our visit to the hospital, Levi insisted on taking me to my apartment. My leg was badly sprained, and because I waited to long to treat it, it bruised.

I told Levi I could make it home by myself, but he refused. I don't know why. Just a few days ago, this man wanted nothing to do with me. Now, he didn't want to leave my side.

We reached my building, and I had to walk up a bunch of stairs. "Slowly.." Levi groaned and helped me reposition myself when my good foot took a bad step. I almost fell again. "Clumsy.." He muttered.

I shot him a death look and slipped again, a result of not watching where I was going. "Be careful!" He hissed.

"Yelling at me really isn't what I need right now, Levi." I sighed, irritation beginning to prick at my skin.

"I'm sorry." He snorted sarcastically. "I wasn't aware that I was your emotional support puppet. Get over it Charlotte."

We finally reached the floor where my apartment door was. He guided me as I lead him over to it. "Thankyou." I said before using my key to open the door. "You can leave now."

"I'm not leaving yet, let me help you inside."

"No need." I bit my lip and looked up at him. He was looking at my foot that was wrapped in a splint. "I can handle it."

"Are you sure?" His eyes flickered back up to me, worry in them. I nodded and opened my door. I took one step, and tripped over the border that separates the inside from the outside. I shrieked as my body was going down, but stopped when I felt Levi hoist me back up swiftly. "Are you trying to go back to the hospital?" He furrowed his eyebrows and snapped.


"Let's go." He snatched my arm and pulled me closer to him before inviting himself in. He flickered on the lights and brought me over to my couch before nudging me on the seat gently. "Do you need anything else?"

I shook my head. "I think I'm okay."

"Did you eat?" He ran his hands through his hair and sighed when I shook my head again. He walked over to the kitchen, turned on the lights and opened my fridge, skimming to see what I had. "How in the world are you still alive?" He cursed under his breathe. "There's nothing but snacks in here!"

"That's all I can afford right now." I replied. "There's bread and cheese in there. Just fix me a sandwhich."

"Screw that!" He slammed my fridge door closed. He strolled over to me and sat on the chair beside my couch, taking out his phone and dialing whatever number. "Have you tried Korean food before?"

"No." I groaned. "Just fix me a cheese sandwich."

He ignored me, and switched his language while talking to another person on the other end. I watched in confusion as he ordered a full list of food in his language. "I don't have any money—"

"I'm paying, you dimwit." He snapped at me when he finished the call.


How much food did he order? Forget that! How much did it cost?

"Holy.. guacamole." My eyes widened, when I saw him and a delivery guy come into my living room with 5 bags of food. They placed at least 15 different containers of various dishes on my coffee table. The man and Levi exchanged a few words, before he gave a tip. The delivery man bowed with a smile and left, after shutting my door.

"I usually don't eat this much." I murmured.

Levi sat next to me and started opening the containers with all the different foods. "Do you eat spicy food?" He asked.

"I uh.." I trailed off, remembering what happened the last time I ate spicy chicken. "Kinda?"

"If you can't," He chuckled, "Stay away from this and this." He pointed towards a red looking dish with what looked like cabbage.

"I want to try it." I reached out and over with a fork to grab a mouthful. Levi nudged my hand aside.

"Hang on," He took my plate and placed a small amount of it on my plate. "It's called Kimchi. Just try a little. People usually don't like it at first." He handed my plate to me. I took a bite and moaned. The spicy sour flavor complimented the cabbage, making it taste good.

Eventually, we dug in. I took a spoonful of rice in my mouth, and tapped his shoulder. "Can you pass me some more of the bacon?"

"Bacon?" He chuckled. I pointed at the piece of pork. "Oh! That's not called Bacon."

"Whatever, just pass it to me."

"If you want to eat the food I bought with my money, you're gonna have to learn the proper names." He glared at me. "This," He pointed at it with his chopsticks. "It's called samgyeopsal."

"Sam.. huh?"

"Samgyeopsal." He repeated slowly pronouncing every syllable for me to hear.

"Well, Mr. Seong." I sent him a fake smile. His eyes opened wide as I used his last name. "Can you pass me some of the samgyeopsal?"


"If there's anything else you need, call me." Levi brushed his pants off before handing me a strip of paper with his name and number on it. I gawked at it, very taken aback. "Don't use my number for stupid stuff." He held it back when I reached for it and warned before giving it to me.

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