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"Yeobo," I heard Qi Tai call out to me as I put on my shirt. I glanced at him, narrowing my eyes. He leaned against the frame of the door, and ran his fingers through his gelled hair. "My Aunt wants us to come to eat dinner at their place tonight."

"Okay." I nodded and shoved past him. I felt his gaze on me as I walked away. His footsteps could be heard close behind me.

"It starts at 7." He paused, "I'll pick you guys up after work."

"They're letting you off early tonight?" I raised a brow and scoffed at him.

He nodded.

"What a surprise." I mumbled under my breathe. "Shame they didn't do that a few days ago when I needed you the most."

Qi Tai's jaw clenched, and he lowered his head. Then he walked away without a word.


"Charlotte!" Julie gave me a warm smile and grabbed my hands in hers. "You all made it!"

She opened the door for all of us, allowing us inside.

"Take off your shoes, Joon." I instructed. He nodded in response and took them off.

"Joon!" I heard Qi-Qi exclaim as she rushed over and scooped him into her small arms giving him a big hug. She said something in Korean to him, and he smiled and nodded before rushing off with her into another room.

"Don't run!" Julie shouted after them. "Sorry," Julie sighed and looked back at me. "She got a new toy and is probably trying to show it to him."

"It's okay." I giggled in response.

"Qi Tai, your father is waiting in your Uncle's study. He wants to talk to you." She pointed behind her. Qi Tai nodded and sauntered off casually, hands in his pockets and all.

"So.." Julie pulled me to the side. "How are things going between you and Qi Tai?" She smiled and wiggled her eye brows at me. "Baby number 2 coming or?"

I bit my lip nervously. "I think you're moving too fast." I felt my cheeks heat up. "I don't think we're ready for more kids." I crossed my arms and looked down.

"Ask him, maybe he wants more." She placed her hands on her hips. "Or is it.. that he needs help, down there?" She whispered. "Does he need the pill?"

"N-No." I stuttered, feeling more flustered. "I just don't think either of us are ready to take on more responsibility yet."

"It doesn't sound like that though." Julie tilted her head at me. "When was the last time you and him.. yknow." She gestured. I lowered my head further. "Are you and Qi Tai having relationship problems?"

How could she tell? Was I really that obvious? I sighed and stroked my arm.

"I.. don't want to talk about it right now."

Julie nodded at me. "I understand. Just tell me when you need to let it out."


"Char." Qi Tai called out to me. "Aren't you hungry?"

"What?" I whipped my head in his direction.

He tilted his head and leaned forward on the table. Then he pointed to my bowl with his chopsticks, jerking them forward slightly. "You've barely touched your food."

I glanced at my dish and realized that I had been so lost in thought that I wasn't eating. I grumbled and slumped back in my chair.

"Maybe she thinks it hot. Is it too spicy?" Julie cut off the awkward silence between us and chimed, pointing at the pork on top of my bowl of rice. I shook my head and took a small bite.

Qi Tai sat back up and pulled out his phone, discreetly hiding it under the table. He glanced at the caller ID.

"Can you not take work calls while we're with family?" I hissed.

Qi Tai whipped his head in my direction and shot me a glare. "Do you have a problem?" He snapped at me.

"Not really, no." I scoffed and shoved more rice and my mouth.

"It's okay," Julie coughed. "It may be an important call. You can go and answer if required. We don't mind."

"More important than his own family?" I raised a glass of water to my lips, chugging the liquid down.

Julie blinked and bit her lip. "I.. suppose not." This time, the entire family was looking at us. Mr. Seong, and Uncle Seong exchanged a glance and Joon and Qi-Qi slowed their eating.

"We can talk about this later Charlotte." He reached over for one of the side dishes on the table, and picked it up with his utensils before shoving it in his mouth.

"Probably not." I snort, "Who knows, you may have to work when later comes."

"Charlotte." He slammed his utensils on the table, making everyone else but me jump. "This isn't a way to solve our issue. We can talk about it at another time."

"Why am I the one who always has to wait until you're ready to talk about something." I shot back. "I'm tired of holding back."

"Hey, maybe you both need to step out for a bit? Cool down and get some fresh air?" Julie suggested. "Don't argue in front of the kids."

"We're not arguing." Qi Tai huffed. "This conversation is finished." He rubbed his forehead.

"Maybe you both should take a break?" Levi's Uncle suggested and coughed.

"I wish I could get a break." I chortled.

"Then leave." Qi Tai sneered. Everyone glanced at him then back at me, waiting for my reaction. If he was going to act like this, I could act way worse. I grabbed the rest of my water and poured it all over his head.

"I will." I shoved him in the shoulder while stood from my seat. "Gladly." Qi Tai stood as well, his frame towering over mine. He narrowed his eyes at me before pointing the opposite direction.

"The door is that way, have fun trying to figure out your way home."

"Home?" I scoffed. "I'm going back to America, I'm done dealing with your crap."

I was about to make my way to the door, but the sound of Joon crying stopped me. I turned back around only to see him bawling his eyes out. He jumped out of his seat and ran over to me, before grabbing onto my legs.

"Eomma!" He wailed. "Don't leave me."

Oh no. My heart sank further as I took in reconsideration of my outburst. I kneeled down and gave him a hug. "Hey, I'm sorry. Mommy is sorry." I hushed him.

Qi Tai grabbed my arm and excused us from the table. "I think it's time for us to go."

Julie and Qi Tai's Uncle nodded in sync.

I scooped Joon into my arms and strolled over to the exit with Qi Tai. We grabbed our items and I snatched up Joon's shoes along the way out, and we made our way home.

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