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I couldn't believe it. I only had a month and a half left to build up for portfolio, and the one thing I needed for it to be completed was missing. I walked out of my class very embarrassed when my teacher had called me out for losing my camera.

I suggested using my phone instead, and was shamed for "insulting the art of photography", as my professor had put it.

Any form of art class was so difficult, I swear.

A loud bang snapped me out of my thoughts. Those weren't.. gunshots.. were they? There was another loud bang. Several rounds went off. The crowd surrounding me went frantic and ran around in different directions.

I glanced around at the chaos, not knowing which direction to go and take shelter. I took one step forward, and someone ran into me, knocking us both to the ground.

I twisted my ankle on the way down. "Ow!" I shrieked when my back hit the solid cement below me. I heard a familiar someone mutter a curse under their breathe. "Levi?" I gasped.

The crowd continued to run as we stared in each others eyes for a second. He pushed himself off of me and sprinted off in another direction. I stood up and tried to run as well, but an immense pain surged up my left leg.

My ankle was probably sprained. I limped over to the closest building I could find for shelter, the bookstore. When I tried opening the door, I noticed it was locked. I banged on the window. "Please! Let me in!"

A few heads popped up from the front desk, and they shook their heads before shooing me off with their hands. They weren't going to let me in.

I felt a tear cascade down my face, as I heard the gunshots near my location. I was going to die. Logic left me completely, and I started yanking the bookstore door back and forth, and sobbing. "Please!"

Before I could fathom, someone snatched my arm in their hands and dragged me. It was Levi. "Come with me!" He huffed. I limped away as fast as I could with him. I couldn't believe he came back for me. "We have to move faster!" He hissed at me when I wasn't able to catch up to speed with his pace. "What happened to your leg?"

"I-It hurts." I stuttered through my heavy sobs. Levi looked behind us briefly before turning around and squatting, stopping abruptly in front of me. I felt my torso slam into his back. He yanked my legs forward and lifted me onto his back, before dashing around the corner of the bookstore.

I was surprised and tightened my hold on his shoulders, fearing that he was going to drop me. I wasn't a super skinny girl, and feared that my weight would break him.

He stopped in front of a dumpster bin and lifted the top before placing me down behind him. "Climb in!" He ushered me forward.

"I'm not getting in there with the trash!" My heart pounded as I screeched out to him.

"We don't have anywhere else to hide!" He seethed. He was the gunshots were getting closer and closer. I decided it was my best interest to go along with him for now.

"I can't lift my leg." I poured. In a swift motion, Levi dipped down and lifted me by my legs. How in the world was he so strong? Did he work out? I used my arms to pull myself inside, with quite some help from him.

However, his palms glazed over my behind, causing me to freeze. He was touching my butt. "Hey!" I kicked him lightly with my good foot. "Hands off!"

He rolled his eyes and pressed on my cheeks harder, and shoved the rest of my body inside. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. There was no time for it. I held my arm out for him to help pull him inside with me. "Take my hand!".

He glanced back, and shook his head. "Are you trying to get killed—" He reached up, and shoved my head down roughly.

"Stay quiet, don't come out." He pressed a finger to his lips and closed the cover of the dumpster bin on top of me. Boy it smelled awful in here. But what was Levi doing? Why wasn't he hiding with me?

The gunshots got closer and closer and ceased when I heard footsteps get closer to me. I bit my tongue and held my breathe when I saw a shadow wave over me through a small opening. I peeked through it, and saw Levi standing there with his hands up, and a white man with a pistol aimed directly at him.

They exchanged a few words in another language before switching back to English.

"I've had enough of you taking my things, Levi." The white man snarled.

"If you're so mad at me, why take it out on innocent people?" Levi chortled in response.

"I didn't arm anyone. I aimed for you." The white man spat.

"That makes me feel special." Levi faked a smile.

"Let's see where that smile gets you after I blow your head off." He clicked the gun and aimed back at Levi. My heart was beating so fast as I watched the scene unfold. "I may spare your life, if you give me back my money."

"No." Levi lowered his arms and defied him. "You're going to spare my life anyways, because you work with my father."

"You're right." The white man shrugged. "I'm only leaving you with a warning for what's to come." He cracked his neck, and pulled the trigger.

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