10 PTP

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It had been 2 weeks since that night, and I was dreading this pirate life. I just wanted a bath, a new pair of clothes, and some other food that wasn't dry meat or veggies served with mush. It seemed Peters anger for me has been brought upon the crew as well. He forced them to work non-stop for days and only allowed for a few short breaks to eat.

He was pissing me off, because I was the one having to do all the cooking, since the original chef was busy helping the crew. If that wasn't enough, I was getting majorly sea sick. Every time we went through a storm, I suffered from nausea and ended up hurling almost all my insides out into the blue sea.

Being the only women doesn't help, since the crew assumed the Captain and I were sleeping around. They all thought I was suffering from pregnancy symptoms, no matter how many times I tried telling them it was because of the harsh waves.

Today felt lucky though. Peters anger seems to have subsided for a bit, and he announced earlier that we should be getting to our next port by later tonight. The waves seemed to have became much easier to deal with after hearing that.

The crews spirits were lifted by the fact they got to take a break at the next stop.

"Excuse me miss." Mr. Pierce tapped me on my arm to catch my attention. "Do you mind pouring this old man some grog?" He handed me a large glass.

"So early?" I asked. He didn't reply, only just fixed his gaze on me while I opened the cap off a barrel and letting the alcoholic beverage ooze out into the glass. I stuffed to cap back in the barrel and handed him his drink.

"I need to get drunk by the time we reach that town. There's tons of beautiful women there."

"Oh?" I hummed, uncomfortably. I didn't want to ask why he needed to be drunk in front of women.

"Ever since I came on this trip with Peters, I haven't had any time to get laid." He gulped down his drink quickly and slammed it on the barrel next to me. I jumped, but remained quiet. "And that son of a biscuit hasn't had some in months, so I know he's thirsty himself. What a dastard of him to ignore our needs."

I swallowed hard and coughed when it went down the wrong pipe.

Pierce glanced at me and looked my body up and down. "You're tempting, but you're no fair skinned maiden." He chuckled. I frowned at his words, but it only made him chuckle. "Don't act so offended. Be happy that the Cap'n hasn't ravished you yet. Fair-skinned maidens go quick because they're more attractive. And their hair is easy to pull in bed, unlike your— what are those?" He pointed to my hair and spat at the ground in disgust.

I decided I had enough of this conversation and brushed past him. He gripped onto my arm and narrowed his eyes at me. "Don't go tempting a man you'll never be able to have, love."

"Then you should tell your Captain to stop flirting and being so handsy with me first, dimwit." I spat back and shrugged him off. I stomped up to the deck angrily, and kicked a nearby crate.

Before the rest of the ship could face my wrath, one of the crew members looked through his telescope and shouted out that he saw land. I rushed over to the edge of the boat with excitement, and even managed to let out a giggle. I haven't laughed in a long time.

The crew struggled to aim for the dock since there was very little sunlight left. Once we've officially settled, and the anchor was dropped, Captain Peters walked out of his office to get a good look at the land. It looked to be a small old town with few shops. It was still busy, most likely because the residents were trying to get home.

Before he could get to the ladder to leave the ship like some of the others, I ran towards him and tugged on his sleeve. He stopped and turned to face me. "Can I come?" I pouted, having little faith that he would let me touch land.

"Aye, just as long as ye' stay near me." He nodded. I gasped when he agreed and hopped up and down with more fits of giggles. Peters expression changed into a surprised and amused one. "Quit your jumping and lets go. We have o' schedule to up keep." He motioned for me to follow him. Once he got to the bottom of the rope latter, he released himself, allowing for his feet to land on the stone dock.

I climbed down very slowly, fearing that I'd slip and fall. When I finally reached the end of it, Peters gripped onto my waist and helped me onto the ground next to him.

The first thing I did when I touched the ground was run. No, I didn't run away from the pirates. I ran around him, in circles. I was that excited to be off the water. Then I ran back towards Peters and glomped him with a hug. He stumbled back a bit surprised at my sudden act of affection. "Thankyou," I muttered into his chest. "Thankyou so much."

He put both his hands on my shoulders and pulled me off of him gently. "We still have to reach our shelter for tonight, Lass."

And so we headed off together into the small town.


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