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I was shocked when I saw two white women, one a blonde and the other a brunette, sitting across from me at a table. I was a little excited to see other foreigners for once. They placed their trays down full of food on one of the tables and were giggling at each other.

"So," The brunette smiled and nudged her friend playfully. "How's it going working as Mr. Seong's secretary?"

"It's going okay. For some reason, I thought he would be a lot more rude. But he's genuinely kind." The blonde flipped her hair and bit into her piece of bread.

"Because of his glare?" Brunette giggled. "See! I told you not to worry! You should go ahead and make some progress, ask him out or something!"

"Isn't he married?" Blonde hummed.

Yes. I mouthed.

"To the Korean girl? Of course not! That rumor about him and Ji Soo was completely false. She admitted that he wasn't that into her, and she lied about the whole thing."

"You think he'd be interested in dating foreigners?" Blonde asked.

"Give it a try!" Brunette replied with a smile. "You have to act quickly. Asian men that tall and handsome only exist in the dramas."

I felt like I shouldn't even be listening to this conversation. I placed my hand over my forehead, embarrassed. Part of me wanted to greet them as another foreigner, another part of me wanted to keep my mouth shut. What if they found out I was his wife?

"Mrs. Seong?" A voice chipped into my thoughts. I whipped my head into its direction, and saw a Korean security guard with a large box of food in his arms.

"H-huh?" I stuttered.

"You are Mrs. Seong aren't you?"

I glanced at the white women, who were now staring at me. I crossed my arms and looked down. "I don't know who you're talking about. I think you have the wrong person." My face felt hot as I lied. What kind of timing even was this?

The security guard narrowed his eyes at me and looked around. "You fit the exact description of what Mr. Seong said." He sighed and held out the box of food for me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I rejected the box. The security guard glanced at me briefly then at Joon, before shrugging and turning on his heel, walking away. I glanced back at the white women and giggled nervously. "Wrong person, obviously." I gestured with my hands.



I saw Qi Tai stomping towards me with the box I had just rejected in his arms. Joon smiled at him and hopped up and down as he walked over in a fit of rage. He placed the box on the table in front of me and handed Joon a slice of his pizza on a plate.

"I don't know what's wrong with you, or what mood you're in." He grumbled, opening the box, revealing a great amount of fried chicken. "But you will not," He stalked over to me, and I leaned back in my chair. He leaned forward, pinning me against the cushion. "Throw one your tantrums here. This is a professional setting."

"I wasn't—" I started but he cut me off.

"Do you understand me?" I heard a low growl in his chest. "At home you can do whatever the heck you please. But here, I won't tolerate you embarrassing me here at the company."

I nodded. "O-okay."

"Eat." He instructed before pulling away from me. He muttered something in Korean to Joon, before sauntering off. I swallowed hard, and crossed my arms, my face feeling more flustered than ever.

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