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"Charlie!" My mom wrapped me in her arms and rocked me side to side in a hug. I returned it just as tight as she had given it. It's been so long since I've seen her in person, the last time I saw her was when Jiyun was born. I almost didn't wanna let her go.

Mom pulled away and pulled Qi Tai in for a hug too. "My son," She grinned wide. "Keeping Charlotte busy? Will I be expecting another grandchild soon?"

"Mom!" I coughed and wheezed. Qi Tai's face grew red as a tomato when she said it, and he looked away shyly.

"Grandma!" Joon ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Oh! Is this the little boy?" She stroked his head and placed a hand on his cheek. "Wow! Look how big you're getting! You're going to be tall just like your father." She pinched his cheeks, as he giggled in response. Then, my mother glanced at the baby, Jiyun.

Jiyun didn't really remember my mother, because a few months after she was born, my Mom had to return to America. Qi Tai nudged her forward and exchanged a few Korean words and pointed at my mom.

"Hi, sweetie!" She waved at her. "Do you remember grandma?"

"I don't think she does." I kneeled down to Jiyun's height. "Go say hi to grandma, aegi."

Jiyun stepped forward slowly and my mom pulled her into a hug. "These two are growing up so fast. Look at your pretty hair!" She ran her fingers through Jiyun's long wavy black hair. "Beautiful!"

Jiyun smiled at her and thanked her. Mom straightened back up and lead us outside the airport. "I can't believe you guys are here!"

"I can't believe it either." I pressed my lips together and sent a look to Qi Tai. He shrugged and continued walking forward.

"How long are you guys staying?"

"A month." Qi Tai cleared his throat. "I have to make an agreement with our partner company here."

"Oh." Mom hummed and lead us to her SUV. "I bought two car seats, just in case." She hopped in the driver's seat, and Qi Tai placed all our luggage in the trunk. I helped both of the kids into the car and sat in the back seat.

Qi Tai closed the trunk door and hopped in the passenger side, and my mom started the car and pulled off. As we drove out of the airport parking, I saw another car driving on the wrong side of the road.

"Is he..?" I squinted my eyes to get a closer look. The other car was heading straight for us, and I felt my heart sink. "Mom! Stop the car!"

My mom pressed on the breaks, but the car in front of us continued. "Qi Tai!" I screamed, but there was no impact. The car stopped in time, and an Asian man with tattoos hopped out of the driver's seat before walking over to our car. "Oh my god." I exhaled and slumped in my seat.

I almost lost my entire family a few seconds ago.

The other driver tapped on the window on my Mom's side. She lowered the window and the man apologized to us. Qi Tai's jaw was clenched, and he switched to another language with him. The man was shocked and spoke back.

The two finished their conversation before the other driver headed back to his car and drove off. I leaned forward and tapped on my husband's shoulder. "What did he say?"

"He fell asleep at the wheel." He spat. "The dastard."

"I'm so sorry." My mom's hands shook as she placed her hands on the steering wheel.

"Do you want me to drive?" Qi Tai asked.

"No, it's fine. Let's just get you home." She sighed.

"Actually, I need to get a car rental." Qi Tai sat up straight. "Is it okay if we can stop at the rental place?"

"I don't mind." My mom said and pressed her foot on the gas again.


"Doesn't he look like that one member?" I heard the receptionist say to another as she pointed at my husband, who was about to take Joon to go the restroom. The two receptionists giggled at each other as he walked by.

I shrugged and walked up to the counter. "Hello!" I chirped, so happy to finally hear my native language again. "I'm here to pick up a car."

"You'll have to wait in line." The receptionist, the name was Claire on her name tag, rolled her eyes at me and pointed across the lobby where several other people were sitting to wait to rent a car.

"But.. we've already paid and the app said it should be ready by the time we got here." I frowned and pulled out the receipt Qi Tai gave to me. He told me to go ahead and show them the receipt and they'd show me to the car. I guess not.

"You still have to wait." She groaned.

"Even if I have the receipt?" I raised a brow and placed a hand on my waist. Claire and the other receptionist continued typing on the computers in front of them, ignoring me completely. I sighed and walked over to one of the chairs before sitting down.

Eventually, Qi Tai and Joon walked out of the men's room, and the two receptionists gawked at him like they'd seen a god. Qi Tai sauntered over to me with a puzzled expression. "Why are you sitting here? I told you to go and get the car."

"They told me I had to wait." I shrugged.

"You shouldn't be." He pulled up the app on his phone and showed me the screen. "The car is ready."

"Maybe they're slow." I crossed my legs. Qi Tai cursed under his breathe and yanked me out of the seat.

"Slow my arse." He spat and dragged me over to the counter. "Excuse me." He tapped on the counter in front of Claire. The two women blinked at him as if they were entranced. Then they looked at me and furrowed their lips in disgust.

"Yes sir?" Claire batted her fake long eyelashes at him. I chortled, after realizing what was going on. She was flirting with him.

"We're here to pick up a car." He slid his cell over the counter, showing them the same screen he had shown me.

"Sure thing! We'll go ahead and have someone bring the car out to you right away, sir." She stopped and glanced at me. "Ma'am we already told you that you have to wait."

"She's with me." Qi Tai snapped at her, putting emphasis on the 'me' part, and slugged his arm over my shoulder to pull me closer to him. The lady blinked again in astonishment and frowned.

"Oh, sorry sir." Then she hopped out of her seat and went to the restricted area for employees. A few minutes later she came back and told us that our car was parked out front. "Here's the key, sorry for the holdup."

Qi Tai grabbed Joon's hand after taking the keys and lead us to the exit. "They're idiots." He sneered.

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