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"Miss! Miss." I felt a rough burly hand nudge my shoulder. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Jon looking down at me. Realization hit me. It wasn't a dream. I was still here.

"Oh crap!" I screamed and jumped back.

Jon pressed his finger against his lips and shushed me. "Relax Miss, it's just me." He gently tapped my shoulder. "I was sent here to let you know that your breakfast is here." He pointed to a bowl of mush and a dried piece of meat on the side on the desk. "The Captain wants to see you when you've finished."

I groaned. That guy wouldn't even let me sleep in. Jon handed me the bowl and squeezed my hand gently. "I think it's wise you don't approach him with an attitude. He seems to be in a bad mood this morning."

"When isn't he?" I snickered under my breathe. Jon gave me a serious and intense glare.

"I do want to bring it to your attention that the crew and I are only tolerating your wild behavior because of him." He sighed. "With out his word, you would've been killed by now. So I advise you watch your outbursts. Some men may take offense and will gladly repay with their life to Cap'n after getting rid of you."

"I haven't even done anything." I whined. "I was brought here against my own will, insulted and sold as a slave. I have every right to express my anger."

"You're not a slave." He shook his head. "On this ship, you are a free woman. However, just because you are free doesn't mean you won't give something in return. Everyone has to do their work."

"So by keeping me on this ship with your jerk face leader, it's a way of me doing work." I bit my tongue.

He nodded, and left before I could ask any more questions. I quickly gobbled down my breakfast mush and swallowed the dry meat. I forced it down, since whoever cooked it didn't put any seasoning on it.

It took a few minutes but I finally decided to head towards Mr. Angry-all-the-time Pirate's office on the upper deck. And when I got there, I knocked on the door. I didn't hear anything so I opened the door to see if he was inside. Immediate feelings of regret hit me when I saw his shirtless lean body, covered in scars and scratches— probably from battles or combat.

I shrieked and covered my eyes, and looked away shyly. Of course I noticed he was thinner than the other men aboard the ship, because of his race. But I didn't know under all those clothes were pure muscle.

I felt his eyes on me, but I still decided to keep my eyes closed. He scoffed at me. "Ye' act like ye' haven't seen o' man before." I felt my cheeks flush, and my heart started pounding. Of course I'd seen shirtless men before, on television. I wasn't one to hang out with shirtless men on the daily, or in general for that matter.

I heard him rustling in the distance, probably putting on his shirt. "Open your eyes an' come here." He instructed casually. My hands slowly fell from my face to my sides and I slowly made my way over towards him. He reached over to the side of his office desk and pulled out a bottle of alcohol. Either Rum or Ale. Then he popped open the cap and poured some in a cup, and then on a rag.

"Is the drunkard drinking already?" I snorted.

"Come closer." He ignored my snide comment and ushered me forward. I didn't want to be too close to him. He grabbed my arm and dragged me closer, despite my resistance. Then he placed the wrap on my forehead again, applying pressure softly. "How does it feel?"

I reached up to his hands and pressed on the rag myself. My head did feel slightly better. The alcohol seemed to be working, even if the pain was still there. "Thankyou." I muttered softly. In a swift movement, I felt him lower his hands from my head and wrap around my waist. I flinched and dropped my palms and pressed against his chest to push him away. "What are you doing!?"

He leaned in close. "I don't do favors for free, Lass."

"This isn't appropriate." I stuttered.

"How so?" He chuckled. Before I could answer, a large bang and a jerk of the ship caused us both to fall to the ground. He held my back firmly to prevent me from colliding with the wooden floors too hard, all while trying not to put too much pressure when he fell against me. His arm ended up being caught between my back and the floor, and he snarled. "Bloody Mary!" He grunted. "What in gods name are ye' fools doing?"

"I told those dastards we were too close to the docks." Jon peaked his head into the door and shouted at some of the crew members in another language. "They wouldn't listen, now it appears we've hit some rocks. We may have to anchor here a day or two just to make sure there is nothing too damaged on our ship."

"If they don't want to have slit throats, they better not have damaged my ship." He groaned. "I have o' schedule to keep." I rolled off of me and pulled himself up, rolling his wrists and stretching his arm out to ease the pain. I pulled myself up after, and brushed off my dress.

"Avast ye!" He shouted, and all of the crew stopped what they were doing and looked to their leader. "Gather round!" He motioned with his hands, and crossed his arms. "I want ye' landlubbers to get through your dumb skull the know how o' this beauty." He slid his fingers across the wooden rail of the ship. "If it ever gets damaged, how will ye' repay me?" The crew remained silent when they couldn't answer. I'm sure they were terrified. "The first bloody dastard who puts o' hole in my ship will pay me with their life, aye?"

The crew nodded without hesitation, all in agreement. "Get back to work." He commanded, and everyone shuffled back to their previous jobs. "Pierce! Bring a few o' your men. We're going on land."

"What about me?" I tugged at his sleeve. He glanced at me and snorted.

"You're gonna stay here on deck with that prissy attitude."

"Wait!" I snatched his arm before he could leave. "Please take me with you! I.. uh need to use the bathroom." I looked down in embarrassment. It had occurred to me there were no bathrooms on this ship. Not only did I really need to pee in private, but I wanted a bath.

"The head is below the main deck, Lass." He pointed towards under the mast of the ship. I bit my lip in frustration.

"I'm aware. But it's really dirty down there, and I need a bath." The bathroom below the crews quarters were filled with roaches and I think I accidentally stepped in pee. Overall, I was disgusted while down there, and I don't ever want to go back.

"Ye' act like your some noble." He grabbed my shirt and brought me closer before sniffing it. "An' ye' don't smell bad. Ye' don't need o' bath."

"Please." I pressed my forehead against his chest, feeling my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

He ran his thumb down my cheek and sighed. "I'll bring ye' o' small pot for ye' to discharge. But you're not allowed off my ship. It's not safe on this port." He brushed me away, and took heavy steps away, leaving me there to stare at him with irritation.


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