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I woke up from my nap when I felt soft lips press against my ear. My eyes jolted open as I felt the bed dip in my direction. Once my vision cleared, I noticed how dark it was in the room. I overslept.

"Qi Tai.." I groaned as he continued placing kisses along my face and eventually getting to my neck.

I rolled over, and yawned nudging him off me a bit. "What time is it?"

"It's late." He muttered.

"I have to put Joon to bed!" I gasped and tried sitting up, but he lunged forward and pushed me back down.

"I already did." He hummed and wrapped his arm around my waist. He leaned in close and kissed me, I found myself wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer.

The acts of affection continued for some time. I felt as he loosened his shirt, and threw it aside and returning to me. Our bedroom door opened and I heard small footsteps walk in.

"Appa." Joon grumbled and rubbed his eyes.

I felt Qi Tai groan while pressed against me. Quickly, he rolled off of me, and went to turn on the lamp light on his night stand. I sat up as well, and got off the bed to go and check on him. "What's wrong?"

Joon gave me the biggest puppy dog look and poured. "Bad dream." He started to cry, but I hushed him and scooped him into my arms before placing him on our bed.

Qi Tai raised a brow. "We didn't talk about this." He gestured to a tired Joon. "Put him back in his own bed."

"Your son had a nightmare, Qi Tai." I sighed, and slid under the sheets covering Joon's shoulders and laying next to him. Qi Tai grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Don't," I nudged him away. "Joon is right here."

"I won't do anything." He sighed and placed his arm over my body.


I didn't get a wink of sleep. I was told that I was a bad sleeper, but I think Joon has it worse than I. All night he kept turning and tossing, and there were several times where he'd wedge himself in between Qi Tai and I. I woke up at one point with his feet in my face.

I heard Qi Tai swear when Joon woke up and started hopping on the bed, calling out our names over and over. "Language." I slapped his bare chest, suddenly realizing that he wasn't at work. "What are you still doing here?" I blinked.

Qi Tai ran his fingers through his messy black hair and yawned. "It's Saturday."

"You don't have work?" I pressed my lips together, amazed.

"I work Monday through Friday, and sometimes on Sunday." He explained. "But I need rest, Saturday's are my off days."

"Appa! Appa!" Joon yanked the sheets off Qi Tai's body. Qi Tai groaned, grabbed his pillow and rammed it into his face. Then he took it off and muttered something in Korean to our son. Joon frowned and tried to reply, but Qi Tai stopped him and pointed towards the door.

Joon smiled and nodded before hopping off the bed and leaving our room. "What did you tell him?"

"I told him to leave and I'll come out and fix breakfast." He scratched his head and rubbed his eyes. Then he rolled over and pressed his lips on mine, refusing to pull away until he heard Joon's footsteps get closer. "I'm coming." He waved at him before hopping out of the bed, following Joon into the living room.

I started my daily routine, and after a shower went out to go and see what was for breakfast. Qi Tai placed a variety of dishes on the table, I recognized some eggs and rice, and kimchi, but didn't know what the white stuff was. "What is this?" I asked.

"Tofu." He placed Joon's bowl in front of him, picking a few of the side dishes up with chopsticks and placing them into his dish. He slid it closer to Joon, but before he dug in, Qi Tai stopped him. "Wait." He instructed.

Qi Tai handed my bowl to me and scooped out rice for himself. He glanced at Joon again and exchanged a few Korean words with him.

"Jal meokkesseumnida." Joon mumbled, Qi Tai took a bite of his food and nodded at him. Joon then took a spoonful of rice and shoved it in his mouth.

"What was that all about?" I blinked at the two.

"I'm teaching him Korean manners." Was all Qi Tai muttered and he shoved a piece of the tofu in his mouth.

"What did he say?"

"You know," Qi Tai snorted. "Sooner or later, you're going to have to learn how to speak Korean." He stuck another piece of food in his mouth. "I'm going to teach you."

"I know a few words." I grabbed some kimchi off of the other plate, placing it in my mouth.

"Few is not enough." He leaned in close to me. "You're going to have to study hard." His breathe trickled down my ear. I shivered and pulled away slightly.

Why did it feel like he was implying something else?

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