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I heard Levi scream, and then his body fell to the ground. In the small hole I peeked through, I saw him squeeze his arm, where he had been shot. He was in agonizing pain. The white man lowered his gun, and strolled away casually.

I raised the dumpster bin cover and looked at him. I quickly climbed out of the dumpster, ignoring the fact that my ankle was hurting and rushed over to his side.

There was.. so, much blood. The image of Cai being shot and falling against me flashed in my mind. My sobs only grew worse. "Levi!" I panted, and shook his shoulder. He groaned and rolled over to face me, revealing even more of his gunshot wound.

"No, no.." My hands shook tremendously as I ran my fingers over his shirt. "No!" I hiccuped.

"Hey, calm down." Levi started.

"You have to live, okay?" I wheezed.

"I'm not going to die." He hissed. I watched him try to sit up, but he fell back over and muttered out a few more curses.

"SOMEONE HELP US!" I stood up and screeched as loud as I could  as I limped away from him. "HELP!"

"Charlotte." Levi grunted. I limped back over to him and kneeled down. I couldn't even see him clearly, my tears distorted my vision so much. "You have a phone don't you?"

I nodded in response. "Calm down, and call 911. Ask them to send an ambulance." He reasoned with me. I had totally forgot about doing that. I reached for my phone in my pocket and my fingers quivered as I dialed in the numbers. I called and told the operator our location and told them about his medical emergency.

Levi managed to finally sit up and clutched his right arm, applying pressure so he wouldn't bleed out as much. "Charlotte, look at me."

I was so focused on my phone, I didn't even hear him. "Charlotte." He winced and leaned forward, getting my attention. "You have to calm down."

"How?" I spat at him. "You've been shot."

He nodded off into another direction, gesturing at an object he was looking at. "Over there. Grab that towel and help me wrap my arm."

"Are you going to be okay?" I whined.

"Charlotte." He shook his head. "Grab the towel."

I didn't want to leave his side, but I stood and pulled off the towel from the clothesline hanging above, near an apartment window. I pressed the clothe against his wound and squeaked when I saw Levi flinch. "Please don't die."

"I'm not going to die. The bullet didn't hit me, only grazed my arm." He clenched his teeth. "I'll get back at him."

Was he crazy? He was bleeding out and already talking about getting his revenge.

"Can you not?" I croaked, my voice feeling hurt from all the crying. "We have to get you to the hospital."


I paced around with a limp in the emergency room nervously. I know Levi said that the bullet didn't actually hit, but what if the Doctor said something different? What if the bullet hit some nerve or something that caused his arm to be amputated? Or worse! What if he only had a few moments to live?

"Are you the one who escorted Mr.Seong here?" A nurse approached me, stopping me from my pacing.

"Who?" I gulped.

"Mr. Levi Seong?" She repeated after looking at the clipboard.

"O-oh." I nodded with a stutter. "Yes."

"Please come this way." She gestured and lead me down a long hospital hall way. The sound of children screaming and older people groaning in their respective rooms made me even more anxious as we strolled through. Eventually, the nurse stopped at a door, an knocked on the edge of it. "He's good to go." She smiled at me and left.

I looked to Levi, and he was sitting on the bed, casually texting on his phone. I limped over to him slowly, letting what happened early replay through my mind. The thought of him dying made me so scared.

"Why are you still limping?" Levi hissed at me. "No one attended to your leg?"

For some reason, his words weren't clicking to my brain. I stared at him with a long frown. "What's wrong?" He clenched his jaw. "Charlotte?" He waved his hand in front of my face.

I don't know why, but I found myself wrapping my arms around him, and pulling him into a hug. "Charlotte." He called and tried to pull away. A tear ran down my cheek again as I ignored him. A few snivels followed. "Why are you still crying?" He sighed.

I felt him wrap his arms around my back and he tapped me gently, as I sobbed into his shoulders. After a while, I stopped my crying, and released him. The pain in my leg was finally getting to me. I plopped next to him on the bed and laid back.

"Qi Tai!" A deep voice snarled. I heard Levi groan.

An Asian man walked in, a bit shorter than Levi, was dressed in a designer black dress suit. He muttered something to Levi in another language.

"Good to see you too, Dad." Levi rolled his eyes and tapped my shoulder. "Get up, you still have to get your leg checked."

The older man narrowed his eyes at Levi and shouted in the other language. Levi sat there unbothered, and replied back in whatever they were speaking.

The older man looked at me, and asked who I was in his other language. How did I know? Because of the pointing. Levi stood and dragged me up off the bed before shoving past him. "None of your business." He replied.

He dragged me with him as the older man followed behind us. Levi stopped abruptly and turned around before shouting back at the man. Their argument continued and only got louder.

My leg was still hurting, so I collapsed against Levi's weight, not being able to hold back my visible pain anymore. The two exchanged a few more words before Levi pulled me to a chair. He nudged me down gently. "Wait here."

"Was that your father?" I tugged on his sleeve before he could walk away.

"Yes." Levi spat out. "Stay here, okay?" His venomous tone switched to a more worried one. I nodded and allowed for him to go where ever. I just hoped he didn't leave me here.

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