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"Crap!" I hissed as I stumbled into my apartment. I had barely reached my building when it started pouring rain outside. I didn't have an umbrella, or jacket to cover up my camera so I ended up booking it all the way up the stairs, using my head as a shield.

Now here I am, finally inside the comforts and warmth of my own home. But I was soaking wet, and my curly hair needed to be dried. I took out a hair tie and brought my curls up into a messy pony tail. I decided that I was going to deal with it later.

I kicked off my shoes and locked the door behind me before sending a text to my Mom that I had made it home. I was too tired to call her, after all that running.

"Do I have any left over pizza?" I mumbled to myself as I walked over to my small kitchen. I saw one last slice poking up at me and I smiled. There it was, my dinner. I took it out, closed the fridge with my hip and tossed the pizza slice into the microwave.

Once I turned on the timer and started it, I left it to go and put my SD card from the camera into my computer. I was a Photography major, and I had to build a portfolio together by the end of the semester.

I was finding it a challenge since the theme given to me was very limited in my captures. "Someone you love.", it was.

In school, I didn't have many friends. It was always just my Mom and I, which I preferred. The only other person I thought I had loved, didn't quite exist. So I couldn't really take pictures of... him.

I plugged in my laptop and pressed my fist against my cheek as I leaned forward to transfer all the photos to my folders. I only had 2 more months left of school.. and it seemed like I hadn't 'made any progress since the last semester started.

It was going to drive me insane.


I jerked my head up and glanced out my bedroom door. I almost forgot I had put that thing in the microwave. I went to the kitchen, grabbed my pizza and walked back into my room before plopping down at my desk and taking a large bite.

"Let's see.." I spoke softly with a mouth full of food. On my laptop, the photos of the fountain with my mother and the familiar stranger popped up. I scrolled through them, trying to find one without him in it.

It seemed like every picture I took of her had him in it. Had I really not noticed? I shoved the rest of the pizza in my mouth and clasped both my hands together to take off the crumbs from my fingers.

I leaned closer and clicked the mouse multiple times, continuing to scroll through. "Can't I find one without him?" I groaned. Nope. I couldn't. Every single one I took by that fountain had him in it.

I exhaled and let my head fall against the desk. "I'm going to get an F. Might as well." I sighed and closed my eyes. Taking a few more deep breathes, I let my mind wander. Soon enough, my thoughts fogged up as I let myself drift off into sleep.


"Charlotte." A deep voice called out my name. I opened my eyes, rubbed them and sat up slowly. Everything around me was as white as printer paper. My entire surroundings was blank.

Where was I?

"Charlotte," The voice called out again. I whipped my head around and steadied myself onto my feet. "Love." It chirped. I glanced around frantically, trying to see where the voice was coming from.

"Who's there?" I called out in reply.

I turned to my left and saw a familiar person in the distance. He was dressed in a stained white shirt, black pants with holes and black boots. He took off his hat, and I recognized him after he did so. It was him!

"Cai?" I sputtered in amazement. He sent me a genuine smile and held out his arms. I felt my eyes get watery. I took a few steps in his direction before going off into a sprint. "Cai!" I exclaimed as I wrapped my arms around his torso and brought him in for a hug. "I missed you!" I croaked as I dug my face into his chest.

But there was no response. I pulled back slowly and looked up. It was someone in a black hoodie, and I was hugging his back. He slowly brought his hood down, and revealed his faded blue streaks in his black hair.

I let go as quick as I could and took a step back. My heart was pounding. The man turned around and looked at me with an intense glare. His almond shaped brown eyes were staring through my soul as I took a few steps away. "No..." I sobbed. It looked exactly like the man I loved, but it wasn't him.

I took one step back and felt my foot slip. My body was forced down by gravity, and I felt myself fall into darkness.

"Cai!" I jolted out of my sleep, those intense brown eyes flashing through my mind. It was just a bad dream.

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