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Chapter 39


I woke up to the warm sun rays kissing my cheeks and earlobe. I placed my palm on my face to cover myself from the bright light. And extended my hand to side table to get my phone.

'Oh no no no.
The time says 7.20 am.. shit did I forgot to turn on my alarm or did i not hear it.I can't believe myself, I got up late for my most awaited interview.

I rushed to the washroom to fresh up. Once done I got busy drying my hair when I had this sudden thought about Kaden. Yesterday that crazy guy was blabbering about how he will wake me early in the morning but he is no were to be seen.

I quickly dried my hair and went straigjt to my wardrobe. I decided to go with a light blue long sleeved chiffon blouse paired with a black pants and black flats. Once done with dressing I put my hear into a messy bun and did light makeup.

Satisfied with my look I hurriedly exited my room and went in serch of Kai. And there he is sleeping upside down and his hands and legs are streched out like a starfish. Lord, look at this guy's sleeping position.

Even though I'm running late I'm still in a mood to mess with this guy. So, I went close to him and yelled I his ear.

"Kaden.........." I yelled and he woke up with a jolt and look around frantically.

" What.. what happened " he asked while rubbing his eyes.

" Yhis happend" I said while showing him the time on my phone screen.

" What the... it's going to be 8. Did I sleep that long. And I didn't even hear my alarm. " with that said he got his phone to check.

"Crap I forgot to turn on the alarm. I'm so sorry bestie. Did you had your breakfast. If not I will make it for you right now."

" That's fine Kai. Don't bother with the breakfast because I'm already late. I will get some coffee of my way. Anyways, I'm leaving. And I will see you later." With that said I proceed to leave bus room.

" Hey.. wait s minute girl.." Kai yelled and got out of his bed

" good luck my baby." He said with a tight hug and light kiss on my forehead..

" Mm.. thanks bro.." I said hugging him back.

" by the way how are you going" he inquired.

"Uber, because there is no bus transportation to that area" I said and got my phone to book a ride.

That's when I thought of James. He told me I call him at anytime for a ride. So I quickly called him and luckly he is free and is about to start his ride. and I'm his first costumer.

" who did you call" asked Kai while wrapping himself in a blanket.

" James, the guy we met from hospital. he is available right now and will be here soon."

" Listen girly, just be careful don't go around trusting people and also, the house you are going for the interview if I any point if you feel uncomfortable quickly get out of there. It doesn't matter if you get the job or not. Your safety has the first priority. And call me if something happens and...."

"Kai.. my mother hen. Stop with this lectures. You are repeating the same thing from yesterday " I yelled stopping his rambling

" I repenting myself because you never listen listen to me and you got a memory if goldfish"

"What ,me... goldfish... I asked while pointing finger to myself..

" you are the goldfish here, who can't even remember his own credits card or cells password" I retort back.

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