Chapter 5

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Harry was startled. "Um... sure?"

Draco shot him a glance.

"Um, sure. Thanks."

Draco barely nodded and swiftly started walking towards his house. Harry followed with a short distance between them. Why did he agree?

It was too late to back out anyway. Draco opened the door without any unlocking charms of any sort. He flicked a light switch and the entire house lit up, revealing a spacious living room with multiple couches and plush pillows. The interior was lavish but subtle. Draco cut across the room and led him through a door to the dining room. "Incendio." The fireplace lit up, casting instant warmth.

"Sit," Draco pointed to a chair at the dining table.

Harry obeyed numbly. His eyes followed Draco as he left the room. After pulling off Ron's coat, he twiddled his thumbs for a bit, not knowing what to do. He listened to the silent cackle of the fireplace and felt... at home.

No, that can't be right. Of course not. Home, was where Teddy and Ginny are now. He wiped the thought away quickly.


He collapsed at the top of the staircase. His ears won't stop ringing and his heart was thumping hard against his chest. The adrenaline from running already faded away minutes ago at the park. It was something different that had taken over him. He knew what it was.

"Merlin help me," he muttered under his breath.

He stood slowly and walked to the park-view bedroom. He threw on his better casual clothing and subconsciously checked his hair in the mirror. He was about to run a comb through it when he stopped.

This is bloody stupid, Draco cursed in his mind. Also, he didn't want to appear as trying too hard. He tossed the comb back to place and sprayed on a whiff of brand-new cologne he bought from a muggle store just yesterday. Irresistible. He hoped its scent was as promised on the label.

He walked downstairs and tried to appear as casual as he could before Harry. He was about to blurt out something stupid and stopped himself by immediately steering himself out of the room.

Draco found himself in his kitchen. He sighed. Since he was already here, might as well show off his expensive tea leaves. He quickly boiled a pot of water with his wand. Trembling, he lifted the steaming pot with an extremely bad feeling.

"Silencio," he whispered. He lifted the pot again and tried to steadily pour the water into a mug with the teabag. Just as it was halfway full, he knocked it over and it landed in a crash. Seemed about right.

After a few too many times of 'reparo', He walked out finally with two cups of successfully poured tea. Harry was staring at his hair. Crap.

"What are you staring at, Potter?" It came out colder than he expected.

"Nothing." He quickly looked down.

Dammit. Draco kicked himself in his head.


A few minutes later, Draco appeared breezily. He was surprised he didn't do something with his ruffled hair. He left again without a word and everything went silent as before. A moment later, he came back with two cups of tea.

Harry was still staring at his messy hair.

"What are you staring at, Potter?" Draco drawled, coldly.

"Nothing," he quickly said and looked down. Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap.

Draco sat down a seat away from him and pushed a mug towards him.

"Drink." He said curtly.

Harry hastily did as he was told and took a long sip from the cup. It was tasteful. He could detect a faint luxurious scent but it wasn't coming from the mug. The way it messed with his senses was almost intoxicating.

"Thanks," he muttered.

Draco didn't reply. They both sipped their tea at the same time.

"I'm not even going to ask why the hell you were here instead of your house or any of the Weasleys'." Draco still wasn't looking at him.

"It's... complicated."

"Is that all you say, Potter?"

Harry took another sip and sighed. "It's nothing. I didn't want to disturb Ron and Hermione for too long. They were clearly in the middle of something."

He sipped again. "I obviously did not think it through."

Draco savored the tea for a moment. He appeared to be musing.

"So, you came to disturb a single man with nothing to do. Clever, Potter."

He was single, then. Harry blinked and tried to shove the thought away.

"Sorry. Thanks, again."

They sipped their tea again. By that time both of their cups were already empty but they pretended to sip and swallow anyway.

"Marriage problems?"

"Sort of."

They drank their imaginary tea.

Draco looked up and peered over at Harry.

"Just out of curiosity, Potter, when were you done with that?" He gestured to his cup.

"Right around the time that you complimented my cleverness."

"I thought so."

They both sipped their tea.

"Clever, Malfoy."

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