Chapter 64

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"Are you mental?" Chris screeched.

Turns out, all three of them were taking the second examinations- Amira wanted to give General Charms another go.

"What? I might be able to scrape an O this time!" Amira said, a little offended.

"You got an E! That's more than enough!"

Chris was also disgusted by Harry's wanting to take General Transfiguration again but didn't fixate on that since Amira popped in the training room and said she was taking General Charms.

Harry tuned out of their half-argument and decided to think hard. He was not going to wait another seven years until the two ignorant people finally decided to get together on probably an extremely dangerous Auror mission.

"Hey, guys!" Harry suddenly said, cutting across their retorts.


"Do you want to grab a drink at Leaky together? We should celebrate."

"Yeah!" Chris shouted immediately, grabbing his bag.

"I could use a drink," Amira said, also gathering her things.

"Great! 'Cause I can't. Enjoy your date!"

With that, Harry strutted (at least he hoped it was a cool strut) out of the training room, whistling at the gaping faces of his peers.

He apparated home, preparing to fully unwind and enjoy the weekend before their training started again next week.

Well, not exactly.

On Saturday he had to face three people laughing their heads off at the boxer shorts story on a celebratory double-date dinner at the Granger-Weasleys'. Ron actually squirted beer out of his nose and Hermione spent ten minutes slapping his back to help Ron cough up any spare drops of alcohol. Draco kept smirking at him even though he repeatedly told him he was really proud.

Then, on Sunday, he flooed into Professor McGonagall's office and told her, with a hundred internal eye-rolls and sighs, the boxer story. That was even more embarrassing than the total half an hour of laughter from Ron, Hermione, and Draco. Harry saw the tell-tale purse of her lips and the tiny elevated corners of her mouth that she was enjoying the story as much as they did.

Overall, even though it was a tad humiliating, Harry still enjoyed his well-deserved celebrating and relaxation.

Sunday night, while he was in bed snuggling with Draco, he couldn't help but wonder what the last few months of training would hold. He knew he would start attending Auror meetings with Travailler, maybe also audit their discussions and tactics before missions. Harry wondered when he would finally be able to tag along with Travailler on an actual Auror mission. Would it be scary? Would the meetings bore his brains out? 

He was nervous and excited. Just a couple of months. If all goes well, he was going to be an Auror.


Monday, he walked into the Auror's office, with his stomach full of butterflies. It reminded him of the first day of his Auror training.

"Good, Potter, you're early," Travailler said, handing him a timetable.

"You'll be attending the Auror meetings with me every day from now on. They are from ten to eleven o'clock, meeting room II. Meet me at my desk ten minutes prior. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I'm now on a case of a dark wizard mostly roaming in muggle London, with Aurors Bayard and Quant. We have tactic meetings and daily reports about our finds. Everything is scheduled on here," he pointed at the timetable.

"It'll change every week. Keep a close eye on that. Also, emergency meetings. You've already finished your first examination, Potter. From now on, you'll be constantly on call, even on weekends, which is what will happen after you make Auror. If there are any sudden changes, I'll notify you with my Patronus."

Travailler waved his wand. "Expecto Patronum!" A silvery cat shot out.

"A Manx cat," he said. "Look out for it. Any questions?"

"No, sir."

"Alright. General Transfiguration every Tuesday and Friday afternoon, Magical Jurisprudence every Wednesday morning with Mr. Paisible. During these times, you are still to leave in an instant if I inform you to. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Whenever you're not taking classes, on-call, or at meetings, I'll give you paperwork duties and studies for your two subjects."

Travailler loaded a stack of Magical Law documents onto his test. "Use your free time today and study this section, you should have enough. Meet me at nine fifty and I also expect to see you after lunch hour for the daily reports. I'll come by again around five to test you on your studies. Any questions?"

"No, sir."

"Good. I expect great things from you, Potter."

Harry stared at the pile of parchment and his glowing timetable. He had to go through endless pages of cauldron standard laws (he strongly regretted not listening to Percy ramble on about them) today and attend about a hundred meetings a week. But he smiled. The magical chaos had only begun. 

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