Chapter 53

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Training, classes, lectures, and paperwork had been incredibly intense since the day Harry got back from Christmas break. During weekdays, Draco could only meet Harry for dinner and then study-date. He still had Teddy for Saturdays so he could only see him Sunday before he started studying again after dinner.

Draco usually just brewed something with his potions kit and the ingredients Harry bought (or nicked from the potions room) for him while Harry studied beside him. He was fine with that. He wanted to support his boyfriend.

Sometimes he helped him with potions. He did get a lot better than when he remembered during their school years. But Harry still slipped up occasionally, forgetting the usage of Moonstone or the correct order of steps to brew Amortentia. He helped him with those.

They were now lounging on Harry's floral-print couch with Harry's head in his lap. Draco was playing with his hair as he quizzed Harry.

"What are the ingredients of Felix Felicis?"

"Er- Ashwinder egg, squill bulb, Murtlap, tincture of thyme, Occamy eggshell, powdered common rue." Harry recited, counting off his fingers.

"Correct. Let's see... what do you do to the squill bulb before adding it?"

"You- er- juice it!"

"Yes! Alright... what incantation do you say to finish the brew?"


"Yep! Hmm... oh, here's a tricky one- how do you preserve Ashwinder eggs?"

"You... you freeze it!"


"It's easily flammable and will light up the whole place!"

"Correct!" Draco leaned down to peck his lips.

Harry smiled, satisfied. Draco flicked through the pages of the documents his trainer Travailler had compiled for him. He scanned the lines of descriptions and potions and his eyes settled on a particular brew. His lips curled into a mischievous smile.

"Here's one you'll definitely know... how to brew Polyjuice?"

Draco smirked inwardly as Harry's face lit up confidently. "Add three measures of fluxweed, must be picked on a full moon- hang on a second," he looked up at him, narrowing his pupils.

Draco tried his best to look innocent. "What?"

Harry squinted up at him. "What do you mean by definitely know?"

He shrugged purposedly. "I don't know... maybe because someone sneaked into my dorm in second year?"

Harry gasped and shot upright. "You knew?!"

Draco wasn't able to contain his laughter and he clutched his stomach, laughing uncontrollably. "Yes, I knew. Boy, you have no idea how good it feels right now telling it to your face," he said, wiping a tear from his eye.

Harry stared at him. "How?!"

Draco inhaled and rubbed his eyes, still chuckling. "Well, I'm not supposed to know-"

"Damn right you're not supposed to know! HOW?!"

Draco wasn't able to keep a straight face. "I saw you three creeping around and decided to see what you're up to. Then I saw you feeding the chocolate cakes to Crabbe and Goyle, knocking them out." He laughed. "Boy, are they thick."

"Anyway, I was actually pretty amused and intrigued by what you were doing so I didn't report you guys. Then I lost you for a moment so I was about to head back to my dorms, and I heard Myrtle cackling."

"What?! It was Myrtle who ratted us out?

"No! I just followed the sound and saw Crabbe and Goyle coming out of a girls' bathroom. Then I thought, odd, you just knocked them out, why were they here and emerging out of a girls' bathroom?

"But then after they left, I heard her saying something like 'it's awful' and 'she has a tail!', so then I thought about Polyjuice and it all made sense. You knocked them out for a bit of them to add to the Polyjuice and turned into them, and Hermione's must've backfired somehow because Polyjuice doesn't work on animals.

"I knew you and Ron were suspecting me of something, you two were always making those weirded-out and disgusted faces whenever I pass. I thought it would be fun to see why you transformed yourselves into two slow douches. Apparently, you wanted to find me."

"So, you caught up on us on purpose?"

"Yeah. The conversation in the common room was hilarious for me, you totally made my night. It was pretty fun to insult you two as Crabbe and Goyle, too," he added. "Though I still don't know which one of you is who."

"I was Goyle, Ron was Crabbe, Hermione got Millicent Bulstrode's cat," Harry mumbled.

Draco laughed and clicked his tongue. "I added that 'saint Potter' thing for dramatic effect. Pansy thought I was mad when I was laughing in the middle of our common room after you left."

Harry let out a long sigh. "Man, this is embarrassing."

Draco whistled and flashed him a cocky smile. "Damn straight it is. Obviously, I couldn't insult you with that during our school years, so you can imagine how happy I am now," he said smugly.

Harry rolled his eyes and fell back to his lap. "Can we please go back to quizzing?"

Draco smirked. "Sure. But can you do me a favor?"


"Can I be there when you tell Hermione and Weasley? Please, please, please-"

Omg!! We got to 1k reads!!!!
(AND No.1 in #gay !!! Omg!!)
Thank you all so so much for your support ♡♡
Special thanks to those that voted and gave me feedback!!!
I never thought my book would get to 1k that fast (I thought I would have to wait a year lmao), it wouldn't have happened without you guys ❤️
Keep staying awesome and healthy!!

-Billie, Hufflepuff x

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