Chapter 71

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Draco trudged along the path. He was sweaty and the sun was blindingly hot, but he kept on walking. The humid June breeze grazed his cheeks. He continued on.

He trailed upon rows and rows of graves. Finally, he stopped.

Draco stood in front of three gleaming white tombstones, side to side. He squinted in the sunlight to make sure. Lily Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black.

"Orchideous." He conjured three bunches of daffodils and placed them in front of the three.

"Er, hello," Draco started tentatively, suddenly feeling a bit foolish talking to no one.

"I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy. I'm not really sure if Harry's told you about me, I hope he has... well, I'm his boyfriend. I love your son-" he swiveled his head toward Sirius' memorial tombstone- "Your godson- a lot."

"We've been in a relationship for almost three years, and... I'm more than ready to take it to the next level. I want to spend the rest of my life with Harry. He's... my best friend, my love, my soul mate. He's generous, brave, and caring, and he really is one hell of an Auror. Sorry, excuse my French..."

He chuckled nervously. "I want to ask him to marry me." Draco pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket. "I've got a ring. I want you to know, I really am genuine. And I promise, I'll take good care of your son and godson, through sickness and health, and whatever comes our way. I'll be by Harry's side every second, even when he's not around."

Draco gingerly opened the tiny little box and caressed the diamond before closing it carefully and placing it back in his pocket. "Anyway... that's what I came here to tell you. I hope you are willing to give me your blessings."

He bowed his head and eyed the three tombstones one last time.

There was a sudden shift in the air. A drop of water landed in Draco's hair. Another drop. And another and another and suddenly it was raining, it was raining heavy and hard, and Draco couldn't even bother to cast a repelling charm for he was too overcome with emotions, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'll take that as a yes," he whispered.



Harry was nervous. Two fistfuls of Auror robes were balled up tightly in his palms. He took several deep breaths and knocked.

"Hello, Harry, dear, do come in." Narcissa Malfoy beckoned him into her Manor.

Harry followed Narcissa into her classical and posh living room. Nitty appeared in an instant, bearing another afternoon tea tray, even though it was already around dinner time. Harry told Draco he was working late.

He sat across Narcissa, who was in her usual spot. Harry picked up a sandwich smartly before she could instruct him to.

"So, tell me," Narcissa gazed intently at him, stirring milk into her tea, "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Er, well- I've been in a relationship with Draco for nearly three years," Harry started.

"I'm aware, my dear."

"I- I was wondering, er, not that much of a wondering, per se-"

"Cut to the chase, Harry dear," Narcissa said, chuckling a little.

"Er- alright. I, I want to ask your son to marry me."

Narcissa said nothing, merely smiled and buttered her scone. Someday these Malfoy habits would drive Harry crazy.

"I'll be by Draco's side for the rest of my life. I'll be there for him; I love him very much."

Narcissa beamed at him. "I know you do, Harry. I can tell he loves you dearly, too."

She bit into her scone. "Have you got a ring?"

"No, actually- I was wondering if I could ask for some advice on the ring, like if there is a store he really loved as a kid, something like that- if I have your blessing, that is."

She wiped her fingers elegantly on a napkin. "Of course you have my blessing, Harry, don't be silly."

Harry let out a breath of relief. "Thank you so much, Narcissa."

She smiled. "Now, about this ring business. Nitty?"

A crack. "Yes, Mistress Narcissa?" the elf squeaked.

"Kindly get me the card of Opal's, will you?"

Nitty bowed and disappeared. Seconds later, she returned, a tiny card in her hand.

"Nitty has got the business card of Opal's, Mistress Narcissa!"

"Thank you, Nitty," Narcissa said, taking the card. "That will be all."

She handed Harry the card. "I used to take him to Opal's when he was a kid, it became his favorite. The silver ring he loved so much was bought right there. They do engagement rings as well. I'm sure you'll find something nice there, dear. The address' on there."

Harry traced his finger over the ornate and printed card. "Thank you so much. I will do my very best to take good care of your son."

"No need to repeat the obvious, my dear. Take a sandwich and get on home, Harry. Draco's expecting you."

After Narcissa closed the door behind Harry, she immediately went upstairs to her study.

"Incendio." The fireplace lit up and she grabbed a pinch of floo powder, placing a comfortable stool in front of the fire. She perched elegantly on it and threw the powder into the flames.

"Opal's Jewelry!" she stated, loud and clear.

"Cissy! You nearly gave me a heart failure!" the store owner gasped, toppling over on her wooden chair.

"I'm sorry, Opal darling, but I've got a favor to ask," said Narcissa's head in Opal's Jewelry's fireplace.

"Well, of course! Ask away!" the woman shifted her thick-framed glasses and adjusted herself in her seat.

"Is it possible for you to close your shop until the tenth of July?"

Opal looked taken aback. "Close for two weeks? Why is that?"

"I take that my son had recently purchased an engagement ring?"

"Why, yes! Extraordinary taste, the boy always has."

"I know, I know, Opal. The situation remains, however, that his significant other is planning on proposing, too."

The store owner gasped. "Why, how lovely!"

"However," Narcissa cut in, "Draco has been droning on and on about the perfect proposal. I am sure he wouldn't want his other half proposing before he does."

Opal chewed on her lip. "Two weeks is stretching it a bit, Cissy. A few days, maybe, but two weeks really is too much loss."

"I know. What if I cover your losses for the time, darling? You and Ernest could take a trip you deserve? Opal darling, name the price and I'll pay. I recommended your store to my son's fiancé-to-be, I can't possibly let him come by and wreck Draco's proposal, Lord knows I wouldn't hear the end of it."

"Oh, alright," Opal sighed after a moment. "Ern and I really could use a vacation. It's been twenty years."

"Thank you, my darling." Narcissa beamed at the store owner and pulled back her head, whirling back to her study.



"Closed until July tenth? Blimey," Harry muttered under his breath.

The elaborate little shop had all the blinds pulled down with a sign hanging on the door.

Harry shook his head, couldn't believe his luck. He counted the days until July tenth.

"Two weeks," he murmured. "I guess it can wait."

He disapparated.

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